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研究生(外文):Yen-Yi Chou
論文名稱(外文):A Novel Approach to the Composition of Web ServicesA Novel Approach to the Composition of Web ServicesA Novel Approach to the Composition of Web ServicesA Novel Approach to the Composition of Web Services
指導教授(外文):Chun-Che Huang
外文關鍵詞:Web servicesservice compositionDwO approachservices selection
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Web services are increasingly being adopted as a viable means to access Web-based applications. With a Web-native XML based solution, Web services thus can tackle the problem of heterogeneous sources and make them interoperable. Therefore, it can be rapidly designed implement, and deployed. However, there is a current trend towards deploying business processes as Web services compositions. Researchers think about assembling elementary Web services into Web services compositions, and Web services raises the opportunity for service providers and application developers to develop value-added services by combining existing Web services. However current distributed process of Web services composition faces the problem that Web services analysis and selection in general is too complex and is not systemic. There is still a need to manage composite Web services based on these emerging technologies. And the research related to candidate service ranking and select optimization strategies is few. And none of literature clearly explores how to select non-functional service properties of Web services. Furthermore, current composition methods do not consider exception handling during composite service executions. In this thesis, a design with object (DwO) approach is proposed to apply to Web service composition. It not only has the advantage of object-oriented concept that changing the design object without directly change the Web services themselves, but also proposes a systemic but complete composition process for Web services composition. It provides the evaluation schema for candidate service ranking, the non-functional properties (NFP) retrieval technique, and detailed retrieval process. This approach shows great promise for the composition of Web service.
Chinese abstract……………………………………………………………………... i
Abstract…….. ii
List of Contents iii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables… v
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature review 5
2.1. The definitions and features of Web services 5
2.2. Web services viewed as objects 8
2.3. Web services composition 9
3. DwO approach 13
3.1. Design Object and the DwO approach 13
3.2. DwO approach for Web services composition 16
3.2.1. The five main types of objects 16
3.2.2. The functional properties of Web services - WSDLDC 18
3.2.3. The non-functional properties (NFP) 20
3.2.4. The non-functional properties (NFP) 20 The ranking model…………………………………………….22 The evaluation schema computation………………………….23
3.3. DwO approach in Web services 24
4. The composition process 27
4.1. NFP collection process 27
4.2. The whole DwO composition process 31
5. Case Study: Collaborative product design 35
6. Conclusion.. 42
References ………………………………………………………………..………43
Appendix A. ……………………………………………………………………..…48
A-1. The evaluation schema model 48
A-2. The evaluation schema computation 49
Appendix B. ………………………………………………………………………..50
B-1. The Triangularization Algorithm 50
B-2. An illustrative Example 52
Figure 1. The SOA of Web services 6
Figure 2. Overall Architecture of DwO 15
Figure 3. The proposed approach for service composition 16
Figure 4. The WSDLDC example 20
Figure 5. The DwO approach to compose selected Web services step by step 26
Figure 6. The values collection of WSDLDC and non-functional properties (NFP) 31
Figure 7. The implementation process in DwO approach 34
Figure B1. Digraph of a sub-process and the corresponding incidence matrix…50
Figure B2. The example…………………………………………………………….52
Figure B3. The FP graph in Table………………………………………………….53
Figure B4. The sub-process vs. sub-process incidence matrix corresponding to the process graph in Figure B3………………………………………..54
Figure B5. The triangularized sub-process vs. sub-process incidence matrix corresponding to the matrix in Figure B4……………………………55
Figure B6. The ordered sub-processes……………………………………………..56
Table 1. The summary of the five NFP retrieval sources 28
Table 2. The registered Web services in UDDI registry in a trading community 29
Table 3. The registered Web services in UDDI registry in a trading community 30
Table 4. The attributes (Att) of the each Requirement (R) 36
Table 5. The description of capabilities, input type, and output type of Wc1j 37
Table 6. The collection of relative NFP and WSDLDC in R1 38
Table 7. The calculated result value of each Web services in the 1st iteration 39
Table 8. The description of capabilities, input type, and output types of Wc2j 40
Table 9. The description of capabilities, input type, and output types of Wc3j ….40
Table B1. Sub-process of mold, tool and die production…………………………53
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