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研究生(外文):Po-Wei Chen
論文名稱(外文):An Effective Synchronization Scheme for DHTR UWB Receiver
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Horng Wen
中文關鍵詞:超寬頻脈衝無線電系統不確定範圍符元差分 (symbol-differential) 同步機制frame-differential同步機制
外文關鍵詞:UWB impulse radio systemsuncertain regionsymbol-differential synchronization algorithmframe-differential synchronization algorithm
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近年來由於超寬頻 (UWB) 無線通訊具備極高的傳輸速率、低消耗功率、低成本以及低干擾等優點,而受到學術界與業界的高度矚目。雖然超寬頻無線通訊具有很多優點,但也衍生出一些問題,像是同步、通道估測與天線設計等問題,在本論文中,我們將針對同步問題做進一步的探討與研究。
我們所提出的同步機制是適用於多重路徑中的超寬頻脈衝無線電系統。在過去超寬頻系統所提出的同步機制都只支援單一使用者的環境,然而,我們所提出的同步機制可以支援多用戶的環境。因為我們所提出的超寬頻系統可以縮小不確定範圍 (uncertain region),同時由於是並列搜尋的架構,因此可以節省同步過程中所需的搜尋時間。然而,基於並列搜尋的架構,我們的系統則需要較高的硬體複雜度。在效能分析上,我們比較了所提出的同步機制與近兩年文獻上所探討的符元差分 (symbol-differential) 同步機制。根據效能分析的結果驗證,我們所提出的同步機制確實可以得到較好的效能。在硬體複雜度上,主要是改善學長徐烜龍所提出的frame-differential同步機制。根據效能分析的結果驗證,在硬體複雜度降低的情況下,我們所提出的同步機制也能得到相似於frame-differential同步機制的效能。所以在硬體複雜度方面,我們所提出的同步機制確實比較好。
Over recent years, Ultra Wideband (UWB) wireless communication has received significant attention from academia and industry due to its benefits including higher data rate, low power consumption, low cost, and higher interference immunity. Although it has lots of advantages, it also brings some derivative issues, for example, the issues of synchronization, channel estimation and antenna design, etc. Here, we will focus on the synchronization issue for further discussions and researches.
In this thesis, we propose an effective synchronization algorithm which is suitable for UWB impulse radio systems under multipath environments. Conventionally, the synchronization algorithms for UWB system only support single user environment. However, our proposed algorithm can support multiuser environments. Based on the architecture of our proposed UWB receiver, the uncertain region is limited to one frame duration. Besides, owing to the parallel search mechanism, it can appreciably reduce the total search time for the synchronization process. However, our proposed UWB receiver needs higher circuit complexity.
Performances of our proposed algorithm and the symbol-differential synchronization algorithm are compared. Based on the performance analysis, we get the expected result that our proposed algorithm is better than the symbol-differential synchronization algorithm. On the circuit complexity, we are mainly to improve the frame-differential synchronization algorithm proposed by our senior schoolmate. Based on the performance analysis, the performance of our proposed algorithm is similar to that proposed by the senior schoolmate. How ever, the circuit complexity of our proposed algorithm is much lower than the senior schoolmate proposed algorithm.
Table of Contents...................................................V
List of Figures...................................................VII
List of Tables.....................................................XI

Chapter 1 Introduction..............................................1
1.1 What is Ultra-Wideband?.....................................1
1.2 Motivation and Objective....................................3
1.3 Organizations of the Thesis.................................4

Chapter 2 UWB Communication System..................................5
2.1 History of UWB Communication................................5
2.2 Overview of UWB.............................................7
2.2.1 Definitions of UWB..........................................7
2.2.2 Features of UWB............................................10
2.3 UWB Signal Analyses........................................12
2.3.1 Signal Pulse Representation................................12
2.3.2 Modulation Schemes.........................................13 PPM........................................................14 PAM........................................................14 OOK........................................................15 BPSK.......................................................15 TR System..................................................16
2.3.3 Multiple Access Method.....................................16
2.4 UWB Channel Modeling.......................................17

Chapter 3 Synchronization Scheme for Differential UWB Receivers....24
3.1 Overview of Differential UWB System........................24
3.1.1 DHTR UWB System............................................24
3.1.2 Differential UWB System....................................27
3.2 Symbol-Differential UWB Receiver...........................28
3.2.1 Signal Model...............................................28
3.2.2 Symbol-Differential Synchronization Scheme.................30
3.3 Frame-Differential UWB System..............................32
3.3.1 Architecture of the Frame-Differential UWB Receivers.......34
3.4 The Proposed Synchronization Algorithm.....................38
3.4.1 Architecture of the Proposed UWB Receiver..................38
3.4.2 Basic Search Algorithm.....................................40

Chapter 4 Simulations..............................................42
4.1 Overview of Simulations....................................42
4.2 UWB Channel Impulse Responses for Simulations..............42
4.3 Histograms of the Estimated Symbol Boundary................44
4.4 PD Simulations.............................................51
4.4.1 Effects under Different User Numbers.......................51
4.4.2 Effects of Different Shift Step Sizes......................53
4.4.3 Comparison with the Symbol-Differential Scheme.............55
4.4.4 Comparison with the Frame-Differential Scheme..............57
4.5 Normalized MSE Simulations.................................59
4.5.1 Effects of Different User Environments.....................59
4.5.2 Effects of Different Shift Step Sizes......................61
4.5.3 Comparison with the Symbol-Differential Scheme.............63
4.5.4 Comparison with the Frame-Differential Scheme..............65
4.6 BER Simulations............................................67
4.6.1 Effects of Different User Environments.....................67
4.6.2 Effects of Different Shift Step Sizes......................69
4.6.3 Comparison with the Frame-Differential Scheme..............71

Chapter 5 Conclusions..............................................73

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