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研究生(外文):Chun-Yu Gong
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Aerobic Endurance Training on Tug-of-War Specific Performance
指導教授(外文):Jang Jia-Tzer
外文關鍵詞:LactateTug-of-WarHeart rateFree radicalsAerobic endurance trainingAerobic thresholdAnaerobic threshold
  • 被引用被引用:19
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本研究旨在探討,有氧耐力訓練對拔河專項能力之影響。受試對象為八位國中男生拔河隊選手,訓練時間為五週,每週三次,每次二十分鐘之有氧耐力訓練。採用相依樣本t考驗及簡單回歸進行統計分析,探討在五週有氧耐力訓練後,選手的有氧耐力能力及拔河專項能力之差異及相關情況,顯著水準 α=.05。研究結果如下:
The purpose of the study was to discuss the effect of aerobic endurance training on Tug-of-War specific performance.
There were eight male junior high school Tug-of-War players participated in this study. The training program consisted 5 weeks period, three times a week and 20 minutes each time. All the data were analyzed by paired t-test and simple regression with SPSS 10.0. The results of this study were summarized as followed:
1. Basic endurance test(2-4mmol/l): After 5 weeks aerobic endurance training, the aerobic threshold velocity and heart rate improved significantly(p<0.05), but the anaerobic threshold velocity and heart rate didn’t change significantly(p>0.05).
2. Training adaptation: The heart rate recovery rate after aerobic threshold running on first week was 46%, and up to 55% at the fifth week, but was not significant(p>0.05). The mean 20 minutes all out running distance of the fifth week was longer than the first’s, but not reach statistical significant(p>0.05), and the heart rate recovery rate was improved from 44% to 54%, but not reach significance(p>0.05),either.
3. Tug-of-War specific performance: After 5 weeks aerobic endurance training (1)The mean static and total duration were significantly advanced(p<0.05).(2)The ending lactate value of the fifth week was higher than that of the first week, but no significance was found(p>0.05).(3)The 3rd minute free radicals after specific test of the fifth week was higher than that of the first week, but not significant(p>0.05).
In conclusion, after 5 weeks aerobic endurance training was beneficial for junior high school Tug-of-War players in their cardiopulmonary capacity and Tug-of-War specific performance.

第壹章 緒論--------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究背景---------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研就動機---------------------------------------- 5
第三節 研究目的---------------------------------------- 7
第四節 研究範圍---------------------------------------- 8
第五節 研究限制---------------------------------------- 8
第六節 名詞解釋---------------------------------------- 9

第貳章 文獻探討--------------------------------------- 13
第一節 拔河運動之相關研究--------------------------- 13
第二節 青少年生理發展之特性------------------------- 15
第三節 耐力訓練效果與適應--------------------------- 17
第四節 文獻總結---------------------------------------- 24

第參章 研究方法與步驟--------------------------------- 25
第一節 研究對象---------------------------------------- 25
第二節 實驗時間與地點-------------------------------- 26
第三節 實驗儀器與設備-------------------------------- 27
第四節 實驗方法與步驟-------------------------------- 27
第五節 實驗流程圖-------------------------------------- 31
第六節 資料處理與統計分析--------------------------- 32

第肆章 結果與分析------------------------------------------ 33
第一節 基礎耐力測試(2-4mmol/l)----------------------- 33
第二節 拔河專項能力測試------------------------------- 38
第三節 有氧耐力訓練結果分析-------------------------- 43
第四節 有氧耐力能力與拔河專項能力之相關分析----- 47

第伍章 討論---------------------------------------------- 54
第一節 基礎耐力能力----------------------------------- 54
第二節 拔河專項能力------------------------------------ 55
第三節 有氧耐力訓練生理適應-------------------------- 57
第四節 有氧耐力能力與拔河專項能力之相關分析---- 58

第陸章 結論與建議----------------------------------- 61
第一節 結論----------------------------------------------- 61
第二節 建議----------------------------------------------- 62

參考文獻---------------------------------------------------- 63
中文部份---------------------------------------------------- 63
英文部分---------------------------------------------------- 64

附錄一 受試者同意書--------------------------------------- 72
附錄二 運動能力診斷疾病調查表------------------------- 73

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