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研究生(外文):Shun-Cheng Liu
論文名稱(外文):Application of Data Envelope Analysis in Established Leisure Farms Information Sharing Hotline(ELFISH)
指導教授(外文):Gau-Rong Liang
外文關鍵詞:Leisure FarmsData Envelope AnalysisHierarchy Transformation Method
  • 被引用被引用:1
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The goal of this thesis is to solve three challengeable problems in leisure farms. First many complicate documents from local governments to the council of agriculture will be processed for building a new leisure farm project. However, how to process the documents in an efficient way is always a challenge. Through IDEF1X techniques, an Internet-based electronic documents processing system entitled Established Leisure Farms Information Sharing Hotline (ELFISH) is constructed for solving this problem. All processed data of electronic documents are stored in the database and the data warehouse of the ELFISH. Second how to complete the ELFISH project within a short time is another challenge. An extended Hierarchy Transformation Method (HTM) is proposed to solve this problem. This new method is to represent the work flows of constructing the ELFISH using IDEF0 diagrams initially; then the IDEF0 diagrams are transformed into Petri nets for simulation purpose; finally Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is used to adjust resources for completing the project within the time limit. Third how to evaluate the performance among different leisure farm projects is the last challenge. Data Envelope Analysis (DEA) is used for solving this evaluation problem. The input data of DEA come from the ELFISH, particularly the engineering data from the database and statistic data from the data warehouse. So far as we know, the construction of the ELFISH has solved the three problems which trouble the people in leisure farms for a long time.
第一章 緒論.............................................1
1.1 研究動機............................................1
1.2 問題界定............................................2
1.3 研究目的............................................3
1.4 研究方法............................................4
1.5 論文架構............................................5
第二章 文獻回顧.........................................6
2.1 休閒農業介紹........................................6
2.2 休閒農業管理........................................8
2.3 資訊系統架構設計....................................11
2.4 流程管理............................................15
2.4.1 生產線平衡........................................15
2.4.2 計畫評核術與要徑法................................18
2.5 資料包絡分析........................................22
2.5.2 Farrell模式.......................................23
2.5.3 CCR模式...........................................23
2.5.4 BCC模式...........................................25
第三章 以延伸階層轉換法設計休閒農業資訊分享熱線.........27
3.2 IDEF0規格說明.......................................27
3.3 裴氏圖模擬..........................................32
3.4 專案管理............................................36
第四章 休閒農業資訊分享熱線的建構.......................39
4.1 休閒農業資訊分享熱線系統介紹........................39
4.2 使用者權限說明......................................42
4.3 文件簽核流程........................................44
4.4 IDEF1X資料庫規格....................................45
4.3.1 輸入資料表說明....................................45
4.3.2 IDEF1X資料庫架構圖................................51
4.5 系統操作說明........................................54
第五章 利用資料包絡分析進行績效管考.....................58
5.1 投入與產出項之訂定..................................58
5.2 資料倉儲與線上資料處理..............................59
5.2.1 預算支用率........................................59
5.2.2 工程達成率........................................62
5.3 資料包絡分析........................................64
第六章 結論與未來研究方向...............................70
6.1 結論................................................70
6.2 未來研究方向........................................71
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