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研究生(外文):Yung-Chin Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Inventory Allocation Model for Spare Part Logistic Systems Under Multiple Demand Distributions
指導教授(外文):Muh-Cherng Wu
  • 被引用被引用:7
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The spare-part stocking problem is very important for weapon system. Keeping a higher inventory level would increase weapon’s availability, yet at the price of incurring higher costs. Most related literature assumed that the failure of a spare part follows a Poisson distribution. This would reduce the problem complexity; yet may not well model a particular real world problem. This research aims to solve the spare-part stocking problem in a scenario where the failures of spare parts are not limited to Poisson distribution. The proposed method involves three major steps. First, we use OPUS10, proprietary software, to yield an initial solution. Second, we use simulation technique to evaluate the performance of a stocking solution. Third, we develop some heuristics to efficiently and effectively improve the solution until a satisfactory one is obtained. Experiment results show that the proposed method as compared to OPUS10 may save about 10% in inventory cost.
圖目錄 Ⅰ
表目錄 Ⅱ

第一章 緒論 01
1.1 研究動機 01
1.2 論文章節安排 03

第二章 文獻探討 04
2.1 需求限制卜瓦松 04
2.2 需求不限卜瓦松 05
2.3 文獻探討整理 06

第三章 研究問題與情境 08
3.1 補給架構屬性 08
3.2 系統零件屬性 08
3.3 失效維修程序 09

第四章 研究模型 11
4.1 模組1:尋找起始解 11
4.1.1 OPUS10 11
4.1.2決定起始解 13
4.2 模組2:評估解的績效 14
4.3 模組3:更新解 14

第五章 邊際演算化的修正 16
5.1 重要零件 16
5.2 減少站點考量 17
5.3 場站分群 18
5.2 動態刪除 20
5.3 解空間縮減小結 20

第六章 實例驗證一 22
6.1 案例一情境 22
6.1.1 補給體系架構 22
6.1.2 系統零件結構 23
6.1.3 真實需求分配 23
6.2 案例一求解過程 25
6.2.1 起始解 25
6.2.2 重要零件 27
6.2.3 刪除冗站與場站分群 27
6.2.4 動態刪除與邊際結果 28
6.2.5 案例一結果比較 29

第七章 實例驗證二 31
7.1 案例二情境 31
7.1.1 補給體系架構 31
7.2 案例二求解過程 32
7.2.1 起始解 32
7.2.2 重要零件 34
7.2.3 刪除冗站與場站分群 34
7.2.4 動態刪除與邊際結果 35
7.2.5 案例二結果比較 36

第八章 結論 39

參考文獻 40

附錄一 42

附錄二 43

附錄三 45
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