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研究生(外文):Sung-Hsiang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Building the Scheduling Mechanism for Contiguous Batching Operations – A Case Study of TFT-LCD Cell Assembly Process
指導教授(外文):Shu-Hsing Chung
外文關鍵詞:TFT-LCDBatch scheduling problemmixed integer programming
  • 被引用被引用:7
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The three main manufacturing process of Thin Film Transistor – Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) are TFT Array process, Cell Assembly process and Module Assembly process. The Cell Assembly process includes several batch workstations; and the panel cannot wait too long without being processed after leaving the previous batch workstation. Previous researches and papers only consider the scheduling problems for single-stage with multiple-machines or for two-stages each with single-machine. Seldom scholars take into account the multiple-stage multiple-machine scheduling problem that exists in the cell assembly process. In view of this complex problem, we build the scheduling mechanism for contiguous batching operations by developing a mixed integer programming model and a heuristic rule which considers the waiting time constraint between workstations and the setup time minimization of bottleneck workstation.
The proposed scheduling mechanism contains three modules: demand planning module, mixed integer programming (MIP) module, and heuristic rule module. First of all, the demand planning module approximates the arriving time of jobs to the first batch workstation. We set a new planning time unit to reduce the problem solving time. Secondly, we calculate the maximum available capacity during each planning period in the capacity evaluation module. In this module, the maximum available setup times is calculated for each workstation in order to recognize the bottleneck batch workstation. Then the mixed integer programming (MIP) module and the heuristic rule are built to set the detail schedule for contiguous batching operations considering the maximum lot sizing of each batch workstation and the waiting time constraint between two consecutive operations. The objective of this MIP model is to satisfy the throughput target and to minimize the total setup times of bottleneck workstation. For the sake of solving the real world cases rapidly, the heuristic rule is developed based on the concept of Theory of Constraint. The heuristic rule adopts full batch size policy to set the bottleneck workstation’s schedule so as to minimize the total setup time.
Experimental result shows that the complexity of the scheduling problem is reduced by the new time unit, thus the time for solution deriving is shorten. Also, the MIP model can derive an optimal solution satisfying the waiting time constraint between workstations and the total setup time minimization. Finally, the heuristic rule can search out a feasible solution only in several seconds, and it enlarges the application range in this way. However, it may derive a schedule with more total setup times than the solution of MIP model.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
符號一覽表 xi
第一章、緒論 1
1.1、研究背景與動機 1
1.2、研究目的 3
1.3、研究範圍與限制 3
1.4、研究方法與流程 5
第二章、文獻回顧 7
2.1、薄膜液晶面板組立(Cell Assembly)製程介紹 7
2.1.1、薄膜液晶顯示器製造程序簡介 7
2.1.2、薄膜液晶顯示器Cell段製程簡介 8
2.2、批量製程排程問題相關文獻 15
2.2.1、批量製程排程問題之分類 15、依批量特性分類 15、依排程問題分類 16
2.2.2、產品族排程模式相關文獻 17
2.2.3、批量機台模式相關文獻 18
2.3、彈性流程型工廠排程問題相關文獻 21
第三章、模式構建 23
3.1、問題定義與分析 23
3.2、整體邏輯與架構 26
3.3、需求規劃 29
3.3.1、計算規劃時格 29
3.3.2、計算各產品預計來到時間 31
3.4、產能估算 33
3.5、數學規劃解法 36
3.5.1、最佳化批量排程模組 36
3.5.2、檢驗設置時間之合理性 42
3.6、啟發式法則 43
3.6.1、瓶頸工作站排程 45
3.6.2、前推排程 48
3.6.3、後推排程 51
第四章、實例驗證 53
4.1、系統環境說明 53
4.1.1、生產環境說明 53
4.1.2、主生產排程規劃假設 54
4.2、需求規劃模組之執行過程與規劃結果 55
4.2.1、計算規劃時格 56
4.2.2、計算各產品預計來到時間 57
4.3、產能估算模組之執行過程與規劃結果 60
4.4、數學規劃解法之執行過程與規劃結果 63
4.4.1、最佳化批量排程模組 63
4.4.2、檢驗設置時間之合理性 66
4.5、啟發式法則之執行過程與規劃結果 67
4.5.1、瓶頸工作站排程 67
4.5.2、前推排程 70
4.5.3、後推排程 72
4.6、結果分析與比較 75
第五章、結論與未來研究方向 79
5.1、結論 79
5.2、未來研究方向 81
參考文獻 82
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