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研究生(外文):Kuo-Chi Chiu
論文名稱(外文):Design and Fabrication of Multi-Pole Magnetic Components for High Precision Position System Application
指導教授(外文):Han-Ping ShiehDer-Ray Huang
外文關鍵詞:Magnetic encoderPCB (Printed circuit board)Magnetic pole pitchMagnetization
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為了量測此微小磁極距的磁場分佈,我們設計製作出一個精密的磁場量測系統,使用高解析度的霍爾探棒,其感測面積只有165�e165�慆2,因此可以量測出微小磁極距小於1mm。不同多極磁性元件具有微小磁極距300�慆、350�慆和400�慆,已成功製作出來,同時也量測出其表面上方200�慆與300�慆處的磁場分佈變化,清楚的磁性邊界顯示出此微小磁極距的大小,分別為300�慆、350�慆和400�慆。因此,磁性編碼器的解析能力可以大幅地提升3.33倍 (1mm/300�慆)。此外,利用有限函數疊加計算微小磁極距內之磁場公式也已經推導出來,理論計算的數值與實驗量測的結果有很好的一致性。
Micro-, submicro- and nano-related industries have been growing rapidly in recent years. The technologies of precise measurements thus become increasingly more demanding. Since encoders are the key component in precise control systems, developing a high-resolution and small-sized encoder is essential to enable the systems more competitive in performance and price.
Encoders can be classified into optical and magnetic types. The optical type uses the light reflection or transmission as the detection signals. The magnetic type utilizes magnetic south and north poles as the sensing sources. A magnetic encoder comprises a magnetic sensor and a multi-pole magnetic component with a fine magnetic pole pitch. A smaller magnetic pole pitch yields a higher resolution in applications. Using traditional methods, a multi-pole magnetic component magnetized with a fine magnetic pole pitch of less than 1mm is very difficult to achieve. Moreover, it requires a precise mechanical processing and a complicated magnetization system.
In order to overcome the limitation of 1mm in fabricating the magnetic pole pitch, an innovative method by using the printed circuit board (PCB) technology was employed. A special wire circuit pattern was designed and fabricated on the PCB with a periodic structure. According to Ampere’s Law, an alternate and regular magnetic field distribution is induced after applying a current to the wire circuit. Thus, a multi-pole magnetic component with a fine magnetic pole pitch is obtained.
Additionally, a precise magnetic field measuring system was designed and set up to measure the field distribution in the fine magnetic pole pitch. A high-sensitivity Hall-effect probe with a fine sensing area of 165�e165�慆2 was used and therefore it is capable of determining the field distribution with a fine magnetic pole pitch of less than 1mm. Various multi-pole magnetic components with different magnetic pole pitches of 300�慆, 350�慆 and 400�慆 were accomplished. The field distributions were measured at the detection spacing of 200�慆 and 300�慆 above the surface of the wire circuit. The explicit boundaries between magnetic poles are found, indicating the fine magnetic pole pitches are 300�慆, 350�慆 and 400�慆, respectively. Correspondingly, the resolution of magnetic encoders can be markedly improved by a factor of 3.33 (1mm/300�慆). Moreover, the field formulae for computing the field distribution in the fine magnetic pole pitch have been also derived. These field solutions are expressed in terms of finite sums of elementary functions and easily implemented in any programming environments. As a comparison, the calculated values of magnetic flux density in the z direction agree with the measurement data.
A dual-layered wire circuit structure was used to improve the field strength. After measurements, a gain factor of 1.37 was obtained in the field enhancement. Furthermore, various wire widths of 190�慆 and 235�慆 were used to investigate the field optimization and the corresponding optimal magnetic pole pitches are 465�慆 and 495�慆. Such an optimal design has larger strength and steeper variation in the field distribution. Both of them are useful to the signal detection and processing.
PCB manufacturing technology has been demonstrated to effectively fabricate a multi-pole magnetic component with a fine magnetic pole pitch to be less than 1mm. This innovative method provides a simple process without using the complicated technologies such as machining technique, magnetizing head and magnetization machine. Additionally, it is also a cost-effective method to enable mass production easily. Different pole numbers and pitch sizes can be also easily fabricated on the PCB through this flexible approach.
Chapter 1
Introduction 1
1.1 Overview of encoders 1
1.2 Optical encoder 2
1.3 Magnetic encoder 3
1.4 A review of magnetic encoders related technologies 4
1.4.1 Linear types of multi-pole magnetic components 5
1.4.2 Rotary types of multi-pole magnetic components 8
1.4.3 Summary 13
1.5 Motivation and objective of this dissertation 14
1.6 Organization of this dissertation 15

Chapter 2
Design and fabrication 17
2.1 Introduction 17
2.2 Design 21
2.3 Fabrication 23
2.3.1 Drawing 23
2.3.2 Wire circuit manufacturing process 25
2.4 Summary 28
Chapter 3
Theoretical analysis 29
3.1 Long and straight wire 29
3.2 Straight wire with a finite length L 30
3.2.1 Point P located outside the straight wire 30
3.2.2 Point P loacted along the bisection line of the straight wire 32
3.2.3 Point P located at the upper position of the straight wire 33
3.2.4 Point P located at the lower position of the straight wire 34
3.3 Two-dimensional analysis 34
3.4 Three-dimensional analysis 36
3.5 Field analysis 37
3.5.1 At Area 1 39
3.5.2 At Area 2 39
3.5.3 At the top side of Area 3 40
3.5.4 At the bottom side of Area 3 41
3.5.5 At the top side of Area 4 42
3.5.6 At the bottom side of Area 4 43
3.5.7 At Area 5 44
3.5.8 At the left side of Area 6 45
3.5.9 At the right side of Area 6 45
3.6 Summary 48

Chapter 4
Field measurements 50
4.1 Dimensional measurements 50
4.2 Magnetic field measuring system 53
4.3 Measurement results 55
4.4 Summary 60

Chapter 5
Field enhancement and optimization 61
5.1 Field enhancement 61
5.1.1 Design and experiments 61
5.1.2 Results and discussions 63
5.1.3 Summary 66
5.2 Field optimization 67
5.2.1 Design and experiments 67
5.2.2 Results and discussions 69
5.2.3 Summary 71

Chapter 6
Field variation analysis 72
6.1 Variation among different multi-pole magnetic components 72
6.2 Variation along different measuring routes 73
6.3 Summary 77

Chapter 7
Conclusions 78

References 82

Appendix 86
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