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研究生(外文):Ying-Tsung Lin
論文名稱(外文):Femtosecond High-Power Soliton Compression of a Self-Started APM Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser
指導教授(外文):Gong-Ru Lin
外文關鍵詞:Soliton-Effect CompressionErbium-Doped Fiber AmplifierErbium-Doped Fiber LaserSingle-Mode FiberLarge-Effective-Area Fiber
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Femtosecond soliton effect compression is investigated to obtain pulses from passively mode-locked fiber lasers. Due to the inherent drawback of soliton-effect compression that the pulse quality Qc (defined as the energy ratio of the central pulse to total pulse) is decreasing monotonically from its ideal value of 1 as the soliton order N increases, we propose a new concept of using a simplified Erbium-doped fiber Amplifier (EDFA) based all-fiber compressor. A very short but highly-doped large-mode-field-area (LMFA) Er-doped fiber is employed to minimize the nonlinear process occurred during the high-power amplification of Erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) pulses. By using a pre-chirped single-mode fiber (SMF) segment for controlling the chirp of fiber laser pulse before launching into the Er-doped fiber and the last compression stage. Optimized pre-chirping, amplification and compression of the fiber laser pulse can be achieved under the fine adjustment on both the lengths of the SMF segments before and after the LMFA-EDFA. We primarily report that a 100% energy confinement within the central portion of the compressed soliton pulse is obtained, which exists a peak power of 46 kW and a pulsewidth of 56 fs. A additional compression stage is employed to further shorten the amplified EDFL pulsewidth and to achieve largest compression ratio, which combines the SMF and large-effective-area fiber (LEAF) to perform a dual-stage soliton compression link. As a result the pulsewidth shrinks from 300 fs to 30 fs associated with a maximum peak-power amplification ratio of >700.

Abstract (in Chinese) i
Abstract (in English) ii
Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi

Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 Short-Pulse Fiber Lasers 1
1.2 Fiber Lasers Pulse Compression 3
1.3 Motivation 5
1.4 Structure of this thesis 6
1.5 References 6
Chapter 2 : Principle of the Experiment
2.1 Principle of Self-started Additive Pulse Mode-Loking 11
2.1-1 Nonlinear Polarization Rotation 11
2.1-2 Stretched-pulse laser 12
2.2 Principle of Soliton-Effect Pulse Compression 13
2.2-1 Physical Mechanism 13
2.2-2 SPM-Induced Spectral Broadening 15
2.2-3 Soliton-Effect Compressors 17
2.2-4 Intrapulse Raman Scattering 19
2.3 References 20
Chapter 3 : Dual-stage soliton compression of a self-started additive pulse mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser for 48 fs pulse generation
3.1 Introduction 24
3.2 Experimental Setup 25
3.3 Results and Discussion 26
3.3.1 SMF Compression 27
3.3.2 LEAF Compression 28
3.3.3 SMF+LAEF Compression 28
3.4 Conclusions 30
3.5 References 30
Chapter 4 : 56-fs High-Power Pedestal-Free Gaussian-Shape Pulse Compression with a Pre-Chirped Large-Mode-Area Er-Doped Fiber Amplifier
4.1 Introduction 37
4.2 Design and Implementation of EDFL and LMFA-EDFA 39
4.3 Pre-chirped Amplification and Compressing Results 41
4.4 Comparisons of Previous Results and Our Work 43
4.5 Conclusion 44
4.6 References 45
Chapter 5 : Summary
5.1 Summary 52
5.2 Future work 53
Curriculum Vitae 54
Publication list 55
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