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研究生(外文):Chi-Hsiu Wang
論文名稱(外文):Production Forecasting of Taiwan's IT Industries: Bayesain Vector Autoregressive Approaches
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-Cheng YuShu-Fen Wang
外文關鍵詞:Bayesian Vector AutogressivePower TransformationSemiconductorPhotonicsComputer ManufacturingIndustrial Clusters
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有鑑於此,本文之研究目的則利用時間序列模型中自我迴歸模型(ARIMA) 、向量自我迴歸模型(VAR) 、貝氏向量自我迴歸模型(BVAR)結合產業群聚效應,探討台灣IT產業(光電產業、半導體產業以及電腦製造業)與其他週邊產業彼此之間是否具有長期之均衡關係,將收集10年間的季資料區分為兩部分,第一部分用來建立模型,第二部分則作為預測之比較值。
結果發現,在三個產業的模型驗證中均呈現VAR的表現較差,其次為AR,而BVAR則是驗證模型中最好的,證明BVAR模型可以用於少樣本的時間序列與動態預測中。而跟其他研究機構比較結果如下 (1)與IT RI的產業報告比較半導體產業:BVAR模型不論在1998年以及2001年產業大幅成長衰退時預測均較ITRI精準。(2)與III的產業報告比較電腦製造產業:BVAR模型預測較III精準。
The production forecasting of high technology industries is an important issue for entrepreneurs and governments, but it suffers from the situation of fast growth and frequent fluctuation. In this article, we propose a forecasting method that combines the clustering effect, different transformation of data, and non-informative diffuse-prior Bayesian vector autoregression (DBVAR) model to forecast the productions of technology industries. The BVAR model possesses the superiority of Bayesian statistics in small sample forecasting and holds the dynamic property of VAR (Vector autoregression) model. Three industries are examined to verify the proposed method. The subjects are: (1) Using Four Forecasting Models to Forecast of Total Production Output of Taiwan’s Photonic Industry, (2) Using Four Forecasting Models to Forecast of Total Production Output of Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry, (3) Using Four Forecasting Models to Forecast of Total Production Output of Taiwan’s Computer Manufacturing Industry. It is found that the DBVAR models outperform the other three conventional time series models including the autoregression (AR), vector autoregression (VAR), and Litterman Bayesian VAR (LBVAR) models. Moreover, the DBVAR models also could exactly find the inflection point of the trend and give a promising forecasting. Our forecasting method is therefore concluded as a feasible approach for production prediction, especially for technology industries in volatile environment.
摘要 …………………………………………………………………… I
Abstract ………………………………….……………………………... II
誌謝 …………………………………………………………………… III
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………. IV
List of Tables …………………………………………………………... VII
List of Figures ……………………………………………….…………. VIII
1. Introduction ……………………………………………………… 1
2. Literature Review ………………………………………………... 5
2.1 BVAR Forecasting Models …..……………………..………….. 5
2.2 Logarithmic Transformation and Power Transformation Forecasting Models ………………………..………….………...
3. Methodologies ……………………………………………………. 11
3.1 The General VAR Model ………………………………………. 11
3.2 The BVAR Models …………………………………………….. 12
3.2.1 The Litterman’s BVAR Model ………………………………..……… 12
3.2.2 The Noninformative Prior BVAR Model ………………..…..…….. 14
3.3 The Power Transformation BVAR Model ……………………..….…. 20
3.4 Rolling Forecasting Procedures and Performance Criteria ……. 24
3.4.1 Look Back &Look Ahead Span Procedures ………………..……..……… 24
3.4.2 Performance Criteria………………………….…………..…..…….. 25
4. Using Four Forecasting Models to Forecast of Total Production Output of Taiwan’s Photonic Industry ………………………………………………...…………
4.1 Dependent and Independent Variables…………………..……... 28
4.2 Pre processing of Dependent and Independent Variables …...… 30
4.2.1 Logarithmic Adjustment …………………………….……………….. 30
4.2.2 Seasonal Adjustment ……………….………………………………… 30
4.2.3 The First-order Difference Adjustment ……...………..…………… 31
4.3 The Selection of Dependent Variables ……………………….. 33
4.4 The Lag Order Selection Procedures ………………………….. 35
4.4.1 The Order Selection of the VAR Model………………………….… 35
4.4.2 The Order Selection of the BVAR Model………………………….. 37
4.5 Assessment of Forecast Results ………………….....……….… 38
4.6 Finding and Discussion …………………………………….…………… 42
5. Using Four Forecasting Models to Forecast of Total Production Output of Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry ………………………………………………...…………
5.1 Dependent and Independent Variables…………………..……... 43
5.2 Pre processing of Dependent and Independent Variables …...… 46
5.2.1 Logarithmic adjustment …………………………….……………….. 46
5.2.2 Seasonal adjustment ……………….………………………………… 46
5.2.3 The First-order difference adjustment ……………..……………… 46
5.3 The Selection of Dependent Variables ……………………..….. 49
5.4 The Lag Order Selection Procedures ………………………….. 51
5.4.1 The Order Selection of the VAR Model………………………….… 51
5.4.2 The Order Selection of the BVAR Model………………………….. 52
5.5 Assessment of Forecast Results ………………….....……….… 53
5.6 Another Approach for Semiconductor Industry ……………….. 57
5.6.1 Dependent and Independent Variables Collection…...………….… 57
5.6.2 Some Comparisons with the Industrial Technology Research Institute’s Prediction on Semiconductor Production……………..
5.7 Power Transformation for Semiconductor Industry ………….... 69
5.8 Finding and Discussion …………………………………….…………… 73
6. Using Four Forecasting Models to Forecast of Total Production Output of Taiwan’s Computer Manufacturing Industry ………………………………………………...…………
6.1 Dependent and Independent Variables…………………..……... 76
6.2 Pre processing of Dependent and Independent Variables …...… 80
6.3 The Lag Order Selection Procedures ………………………….. 80
6.4 Assessment of Forecast Results ………………….....……….… 82
6.5 Some Comparisons with the Institute for Information Industry’s (III)
Prediction on Computer Manufacturing Production……..……….….. 85
6.6 Power Transformation for Computer Manufacturing Industry....... 89
6.7 Findings and Discussion ………………………………..….…………… 95
7. Conclusion and Future Direction 97
7.1 Conclusion …………………………..…………………..……... 76
7.2 Future Researches ……………………………………...…...… 100
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