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研究生(外文):Yi-Chuan Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Bayesian inference for time series regression models with multivariate t autoregressions on errors
指導教授(外文):Jack C. LeeTsung I. Lin
外文關鍵詞:Approximate inferenceMarkov chain Monte CarloPredictive distributionReparameterization
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This thesis considers a Bayesian approach to the regression model with autoregressive multivariate t errors, whose conditional variance satis‾es a kind of generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model. We present
the approximate Bayesian posterior and predictive inferences under a non-informative prior. Markov chain Monte Carlo computational schemes are developed for precisely accounting for the posterior uncertainties. To enhance the computational e±ciency, we provide a fast method to compute the inverse autocorrelation matrix of an AR(p) process. A real example of the U.S. interest rates is conducted to demonstrate our methodologies.
1. Introduction .................................3
2. Approximate Bayesian inference .............. 4
2.1. The model ....................................4
2.2. Posterior inference ......................... 7
2.3. Predictive inference ....................... .9
3. Markov chain Monte Carlo inference ......... 11
3.1. Implementation ..............................11
3.2. Forecasting future values and volatilities...12
4. An application: the U.S. interest rates......13
5. Discussion ..................................21
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