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研究生(外文):Hsin-Yi Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Synthesis of Lingnan School Painting
指導教授(外文):Zen-Chung Shih
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Since the beginning of twentieth century, the Lingnan School Painting is an important Chinese Ink Painting school. It's characteristic is based on the traditional Chinese Painting skill and Combined the skill of the western drawing. The subject matter of the Lingnan Painting is widespread, and it contains Birds and Flowers Painting, Beast Painting, Insect Painting and Fish Painting, etc. In this thesis, we focus on the embroidered fish drawing in the Lingnan Painting. Input a photo of embroidered fishes, we apply the brush strokes to the outline and simulate the water and pigment diffusion effects on paper to imitate washing skill. Therefore, user may generate the Lingnan Painting style easily without familiar with the complicated painting skills.
ABSTRACT (in Chinese)...........................I
ABSTRACT (in English)...........................II Acknowledgements................................III Contents........................................IV
List of Figures.................................VI
CHAPTER 1 Introduction..........................1
1.1 Motivation..................................1
1.2 Overview....................................2
1.3 Thesis Organization.........................2
CHAPTER 2 Related Works.........................5
2.1 Brush Models................................5
2.2 Ink and Color Diffusion.....................6
CHAPTER 3 Background............................8
3.1 Preliminary of Lingnan School Painting......................................8
3.1.1 The History about Lingnan School Painting................................8
3.1.2 The character of Lingnan School Painting................................9
3.2 The Painting Procedure for Embroidered Fish...................................10
CHAPTER 4 Stroke Generation....................12
4.1 The Brush Model of Horse Hair Brush........14
4.1.1 Center stroke............................14
4.1.2 Side stroke..............................19
4.1.3 Ink Depositing Mechanism.................21
4.2 Contour Sketching on Fish's Body and Scales......................24
4.2.1 Edge Extraction.........................24
4.2.2 Stroke Definition.......................26
4.2.3 Vectorization...........................29
4.2.4 Apply Brush Mode........................30
4.2 Contour Sketching on Fins.................30
4.3.1 Sketching Positions Generation..........30
4.3.2 Apply Brush Model.......................33
CHAPTER 5 Washing.............................35
5.1 Washing Region............................37
5.2 Washing Model.............................37
5.3 Color Mixture.............................45
CHAPTER 6 Implementation and Results..........48
CHAPTER 7 Conclusion and Future Works.........56 Reference.....................................58
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