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研究生(外文):Chih-Shin Fan
論文名稱(外文):Fault Tolerance and Load Sharing Mechanism for MMOG Middleware
指導教授(外文):Shyan-Ming Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Fault Tolerance and Load Sharing Mechanism for MMOG Middleware
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The market of MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) grows up greatly recent years. The design issues of a good MMOG middleware are widely discussed in many researches. In this paper, we mainly concern about the availability of online games.

HAMS is a fully distributed system that we design in this paper. It is a high availability service for MMOG middleware and provides development environment which is failure recoverable and can share server load globally. Also, HAMS is flexibly designed to be used in most of the MMOG middleware architectures. Additionally in this article, we evaluate the performance of HAMS and provide some discussions of the result.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Preface 1
1.2. Design Issues of MMOG Middleware 1
1.3. Motivation and Objectives 2
1.4. Summary 4
Chapter 2 Background 5
2.1. Common Network Architectures of MMOG middleware 5
2.1.1. Client – Server 5
2.1.2. Client – Gateway – Server 6
2.2. Important Game Data of MMOG Middleware 7
2.3. DOIT 8
2.4. AIS (Application Interface Specification) 9
2.5. Discussion 11
Chapter 3 Related work 13
3.1. Load Distributing Technology 13
3.2. Peer To Peer MMOG 14
3.3. Mirror Game Server 15
3.4. DOIT Coordinator 16
3.5. Summary 16
Chapter 4 System Architecture 17
4.1. System Overview 17
4.2. HAMS Executive Part 19
4.2.1. Data Information 20
4.2.2. Membership Service 21
4.2.3. Game Data Service 21
4.2.4. Load Monitor Service 22
4.3. HAMS Library Part 22
4.4. Summary 24
Chapter 5 Design Detail and Issues 25
5.1. Chapter Overview 25
5.2. Game Data in HAMS 26
5.2.1. Game Data Information Management 26
5.2.2. Game Data Protection 27
5.2.3. Game Data Migration 28
5.3. Load Object in HAMS 29
5.3.1. Load Object Design 29
5.3.2. Load Object Information Management 30
5.3.3. Load Object Monitor 30
5.4. HAMS Membership Control 30
5.4.1. TOTEM Membership Protocol 31
5.4.2. HAMS Membership Protocol 32
5.5. Recovery Protocol 35
5.6. Load Sharing Protocol 38
5.7. Summary 38
Chapter 6 Experiment and Discussion 40
6.1. Hardware Environment 40
6.2. Game Data Store Throughput 40
6.2.1. Game Data Size vs. Store Throughput 40
6.2.2. Node Numbers vs. Store Throughput 43
6.2.3. Store Rate vs. Store Throughput 44
6.3. Game Data Read Throughput 46
6.4. Failure Detection Time 48
6.5. Summary 50
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work 51
7.1. Conclusion 51
7.2. Future Work 52
Bibliography 53
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