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研究生(外文):Chiou-Rung Hung
論文名稱(外文):Resource-Oriented Computing: Towards a Universal Virtual Workspace
指導教授(外文):Jing-Ying Chen
中文關鍵詞:網際網路服務服務導向架構服務組合軟體元件Web 2.0
外文關鍵詞:Web ServiceSOAService CompositionComponentWeb 2.0
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The popularity of many emerging user-centric Web applications such as blogs and Wikipedia indicates the trend that the Internet is transforming into a global collaborative environment where most people can participate and contribute in ways not perceived before. It is foreseeable that when on-line resources created by and shared among people are not just simple Web contents but also more complex software artifacts, a more accommodating, universal, and virtual workspace may be formed that support people with much more diverse background and needs. To realize such goal, however, it requires not only comprehensive infrastructure support for the development, deployment, and assembly of diverse resources but also effective strategies and mechanisms that can handle the implied complexity. We propose a metaphoric, service-oriented architecture in which arbitrary resources are associated with syntactical descriptors, called metaphors, based on which run-time services can be instantiated and managed. Characterized as a universal development environment, our architecture permits static and dynamic service composition through syntactic metaphor composition. By defining metaphors for specific problem domains and by implementing suitable interpreters, either at a global scale or on a community basis, our architecture is intended to serve as the infrastructure holding multiple applications with substantial reuse. We demonstrate our idea by building a Web-based e-Science workbench, which allows user to utilize distributed computing and storage resources in a flexible manner.
摘 要.................................................................................................................................i
誌 謝..............................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents...............................................................................................iv
List of Figures.....................................................................................................vi
Chapter 1. Introduction - Motivation..............................................................1
Chapter 2. Universal Virtual Workspace.......................................................4
Chapter 3. An Abstract Service-Oriented Architecture................................6
Chapter 4. Metaphors for Resource Description and Composition............8
4.1 Metaphor Format.......................................................................................8
4.2 A Component Model for Resource Composition..................................10
Chapter 5. Case Study: An e-Science Workbench.....................................14
5.1 The Workbench Architecture.................................................................14
5.2 Console User Interface...........................................................................17
5.3 The Portal Interface................................................................................21
Chapter 6. Discussions and Related Work...................................................28
Chapter 7. Conclusion....................................................................................33
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