[1] J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, G. Camarillo, A. Johnston, J. Peterson, R. Sparks, M. Handley, and E. Schooler , “SIP: Session Initiation Protocol”, IETF RFC 3261, June 2002. [2] H. Schulzrinne and E. Wedlund, “Application-layer mobility using SIP”, ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Vol. 4, Number 3, pp.47-57, July 2000. [3] C.-H. Yeh, Q. Wu, Y.-B. Lin, "SIP Terminal Mobility for both IPv4 and IPv6", The 8th International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems and Applications (MNSA) in IEEE 26th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2006), Lisbon, Portugal, July 4-7, 2006. [4] S. Thomson and T. Narten, “IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration”, IETF RFC 2462, December 1998. [5] J.-H. Weng, “Design and Implementation of SIPv6 Translator”, master’s thesis, National Chiao Tung University, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, July 2005 [6] G. Tsirtsis and P. Srisuresh, “Network Address Translation - Protocol Translation (NAT-PT)”, IETF RFC 2766, February 2000. [7] W.-E. Chen, Q. Wu, and Y.-B. Lin, “Design of SIP Application Level Gateway for IPv6 Translation”, Journal of Internet Technology (JIT) Special Issue on IPv6. Vol. 5 No. 2, 2004. [8] IEEE, "Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority", http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/msc/MSC200407/OnlineTutorials/EUI64.htm, March 1997. [9] The eXtended osip library, http://savannah.nongnu.org/ projects/exosip/ [10] The sipX libraries, http://www.sipfoundry.org/sipX/index.html [11] The RADVISION SIP Toolkit, http://www.radvision.com/ [12] The Signalware SIP library, http://www.ulticom.com/html/products/signalware-sip.asp [13] The jSIP library, http://jsip.sourceforge.net/ [14] The JAIN-SIP library, https://jain-sip.dev.java.net/ [15] GNU oSIP library, http://www.gnu.org/software/osip/ [16] L.-Y. Wu, M.-H. Tsai, Y.-B. Lin, and R.-S. Yang, “A Client-Side Design and Implementation for Push to Talk over Cellular Service”. Accepted and to appear in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal. [17] oRTP – a Real-time Transport Protocol stack under LGPL, http://linphone.org/ortp/ [18] N. Nakajima, A. Dutta, S. Das, and H. Schulzrinne, “Handoff Delay Analysis and Measurement for SIP based Mobility in IPv6”, IETF International Conference on Computers and Communications, Anchorage Alaska, USA, May 2003. [19] Tcl/Tk, http://www.tcl.tk/ [20] T. Narten, E. Nordmark, and W. Simpson, “Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6)”, IETF RFC 2461, December 1998.