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研究生(外文):Shih-Hao Liu
論文名稱(外文):An Energy-Balancing Secure Routing Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks
指導教授(外文):Shiuh-Pyng Shieh
外文關鍵詞:Energy BalanceSecure RoutingWireless Sensor Networks
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As the number of wireless sensor network applications increase, there is a greater emphasis on designing secure routing protocol. Most recent secure routing protocols tend to find the minimum energy cost path to lower energy usage for all routing paths, thus, they may lead to some of the nodes deplete their energy quickly. When energy consumption cause by routing is unbalanced over the network, the network would loss connectivity even fall apart in a short time. In this paper, we introduce a new secure routing scheme that not only provides data confidentiality, neighbor authentication, and evidence of data freshness but also balances energy consumption of each node using a base station to adjust the routing paths in order to prolong the total time of overall network connectivity. Simulation results show that the total time when network is connected increases 3 to 4 times over our related work of secure routing schemes with minimum energy cost path, and up to 10 to 50% over the related work of the conventional energy aware routing scheme.
List of Figures ..............................................................................................................vii
1. Introduction............................................................................................................1
2. Related Work..........................................................................................................5
2.1. Secure Wireless Ad Hoc Routing...............................................................5
2.2. SEAD.........................................................................................................7
2.3. Ariadne.....................................................................................................10
3. Proposed scheme..................................................................................................12
3.1. Key Establishment Phase.........................................................................14
3.1.1. Establishing Individual Node Keys .....................................................14
3.1.2. Establishing Pairwise Shared Keys......................................................14
3.2. Bottleneck Node Finding Mechanism .....................................................17
3.3. Load Balance Propagation Phase.............................................................20
3.4. Secure Data Transmission Phase .............................................................23
4. Evaluation ............................................................................................................26
4.1. Simulation Setup......................................................................................26
4.2. Evaluation on normally distributed network............................................28
5. Security Analysis .................................................................................................32
5.1. Security Requirements .............................................................................32
5.1.1. Semantic Security ................................................................................32
5.1.2. Data Confidentiality.............................................................................32
5.1.3. Data Authentication .............................................................................32
5.1.4. Data Integrity .......................................................................................33
5.1.5. Data Freshness .....................................................................................33
5.2. Analysis....................................................................................................33
5.2.1. Semantic Security ................................................................................34
5.2.2. Data Authentication and Data Integrity ...............................................34
5.2.3. Data Confidential .................................................................................34
6. Conclusion ...........................................................................................................35
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