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論文名稱(外文):Discover Regulatory Modules Consisting of Multiple Binding Sites
外文關鍵詞:RegulationPWMTFBSTFMultiple Local Sequences Alignment
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調控機制為生命運作中最為複雜的秘密。基本上,調控機制是由轉錄因子與基因的上游區域做結合,進而控制基因表現而引響生物體的生命運作。我們再此提出另一種模擬的模型來呈現多個轉錄因子之間的交互作用,與之前的研究不同的是,我們不但考慮結合區域的一致性,也加入了機率模型來描述不同轉錄因子交互作用時其之間的間距。利用貝氏架構的推論,我們將結合區域的一致性以及其之間間距的兩大考量做結合。我們將此演算法,SAMLA,測試大腸桿菌上的資料,並與其他的演算法作比較,可以發現 SAMLA 的確能更加精準的預測大腸桿菌中的調控模組。
One of the keys to deciphering the secrets of life is to understand transcriptional regulation mechanisms. Such mechanisms are typically mediated by the binding of transcription factors to specific upstream or downstream regions of genes, which leads to most recent studies focused on the conservation of binding sites. Unlike current research, we address the importance of the distance between binding sites for the prediction of Regulatory Modules. Based on the Bayesian framework, we present an algorithm, SAMLA (Simulated Annealing for Multiple Local Sequences Alignment), which takes into account the consensus levels of biding sites as well as the relative distance among them. To demonstrate the performance of our new approach, we conducted a comparative study with several current methods. We tested them on the datasets derived from E.coli, and the experimental results show that our method significantly outperforms the others.
Abstract 2
第一章 前言 6
1.1 生物背景 6
1.2 研究動機 10
1.3 研究假設與目標 12
1.4 論文架構 14
第二章 文獻探討 15
2.1 位置比重矩陣(Position Weight Matrix;PWM) 15
2.2 MEME【Bailey and Elkan, 1995】 17
2.3 Gibbs Sampler【Lawrence et. al. 1993】 18
2.4 Dyad Analysis【van Helden et al. 2000】 20
2.5 Bioprospector【Liu et. al. 2001】 22
2.6 SeSiMCMC【Favorov et. al. 2004】 24
2.7 總結 28
第三章 演算法與系統架構 30
3.1 系統流程 30
3.2 調控序列與調控模組模型 32
3.3 核心評分公式 35
3.4 系統核心推演方法 38
3.4.1 模擬退火法 38
3.4.2 核心概觀 39
3.5 系統核心實做與架構 41
第四章 實驗結果與分析 46
4.1 Zn群組調控因子【van Helden et. al. 2000】 46
4.2 大腸桿菌中的雙核心模組 51
4.2.1 Phospho-ArcA【Favorov et. al. 2005】 51
4.2.2 Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein 53
4.2.3 TyrR調控蛋白 58
4.2.4 cpxR調控蛋白 62
4.2.5 narL調控蛋白 66
4.2.7 總結 71
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 74
5.1 結論與討論 74
5.2 未來研究方向 76
參考文獻 77
A. IUPAC對照表 81
B. Precision and Sensitivity 82
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