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論文名稱(外文):A Fault-Tolerant, Attack-Resistant Multipath Information Delivery Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
指導教授(外文):Shiuh-Pyng Shieh
外文關鍵詞:Wireless Sensor NetworkInformation Dispersal SchemeTransmission ReliabilityInformation Security
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Transmission reliability and information confidentiality are two of the major concerns for most applications of wireless sensor networks. Since sensor nodes are usually deployed in unattended or adversarial environments and sensed information is transmitted through inherent instable wireless links among sensor nodes to the base station, how to deliver sensed information correctly, securely and instantaneously becomes a challenging problem. To deal with this issue, we propose an enhanced multipath information delivery scheme FAMIDS based on the concept of packet splitting. With the proposed scheme, the source node splits the original data packet into several sub-packets by adding redundancy, and securely transmits the sub-packets through multiple paths. The base station can reconstruct the original data packet even if part of sub-packets is incorrectly received.

In addition, we develop an analytical model for evaluating communication reliability achieved by our scheme and study the behavior of the analytical form under different network conditions. For each network model, we propose an algorithm for finding the optimal way of packet splitting with highest communication reliability. Compared with the traditional brute-force approach, the proposed algorithms efficiently reduce the computational complexity for each packet transmission.
1. Introduction 1
2. Related work 4
3. Proposed scheme 8
3.1. Network and Security Assumptions 8
3.2. Path Establishment 10
3.3. Packet Transmission 13
4. Analysis 17
4.1. Reliability Analysis 17
4.1.1. Preliminary 17
4.1.2. The Communication Reliability R(m, n) 23
4.1.3. The Simple Model 25
4.1.4. The Ideal Model 28
4.1.5. The General Model 31
4.1.6. The Special Model 34
4.2. Security Analysis 44
4.2.1. Information Confidentiality 44
4.2.2. Message Integrity 44
4.2.3. Attack Resistance 45
5. Conclusion 47
Appendix 49
References 55
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