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研究生(外文):Wei-Min Nien
論文名稱(外文):Simulating a Novel Influenza Outbreak Within a Large Contact Network of Interconnecting Municipalities
指導教授(外文):Chuen-Tsai Sun
外文關鍵詞:novel influenzacontact networksmall world neworkmirror identityepidemic model
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According to the Taiwan Center for Disease Control (CDC), the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 has evolved so quickly and poses such a threat that Taiwanese health authorities have already announced three major control strategies: a vaccine, antiviral drugs, and isolating infected individuals. The author constructed an influenza simulation model based on daily-contact social networks and a multi-agent system to study transmission dynamics and to investigate the potential efficacies of various public health policies. Daily-contact social networks (composed of multiple interconnecting municipalities and individuals) can be used to represent such social phenomena as long-distance movement, daily visits to fixed locations, different population densities, and inter-area transportation. The model was used to simulate a novel influenza outbreak and other scenarios involving different seeding events and interventions – for example, antiviral prophylaxis, social distancing policies or closures for schools and workplaces, and control of inter-area movement.
摘要 iii
誌謝 v
1.緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 研究動機 1
1.1.2 模擬與疾病傳播 2
1.1.3 疾病傳播模擬與接觸網路 4
1.2 研究目標 5
1.3 論文架構 6
2.文獻探討 8
2.1 流感與流感病毒簡介 8
2.1.1 流感疾病特性 8
2.1.2 流感病毒簡介 9
2.1.3 禽流感的威脅 11
2.2 疾病傳播模型 13
2.2.1 Compartmental Model 13
2.2.2 Individual-based Model 17
3.模型 24
3.1 接觸網路模型 24
3.1.1 區域內的接觸網路 24
3.1.2 區域之間的接觸網路 26
3.1.3 接觸關係的定義 27
3.1.4 接觸網路的參數設定與實作 29
3.2 個體的屬性及染病過程 36
3.2.1 個體的屬性 36
3.2.2 染病過程及疾病參數 36
3.2.3 疾病參數的設定 39
3.3 公衛政策的模擬 40
3.3.1 醫療通報系統 40
3.3.2 其他公衛政策 43
4.實驗 46
4.1無公衛政策介入 46
4.1.1 預設參數的模擬結果 46
4.1.2 不同R0值下的結果 48
4.1.3 從不同地區爆發的結果 49
4.1.4 不同的初始感染人數的結果 50
4.2 醫療通報系統 52
4.2.1 隔離治療與密切監視 52
4.2.2 預防性投藥 54
4.2.3 居家隔離 57
4.2.3 三種政策同時實施 58
4.3 流感疫苗 59
4.4 減少社會接觸 61
4.4.1 停止上班上課 62
4.4.2 交通管制 63
5.結論 65
Reference 67
Appendix 70
A.1 各縣市間每日交通流量 70
A.2 民國90年各縣市人口數 72

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