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研究生(外文):Wang-Jung Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Hybrid of Sequential Rules and Collaborative Filtering for Product Recommendation
指導教授(外文):Duen-Ren Liu
外文關鍵詞:Sequential RuleCustomer SegmentationProduct RecommendationCollaborative Filtering
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Customers’ purchase behavior may vary over time. Traditional Collaborative Filtering (CF) methods use similar customers’ purchase behavior to provide recommendations to the target customer, without considering customers’ purchase behavior over time. The sequential rule-based recommendation method mainly analyzes customers’ purchase behavior over time to extract sequential rules with the form: purchase behavior over past periods => purchase behavior at current period. If a target customer’s purchase behavior over past periods is similar to the conditional part of the rule, then the purchase behavior of the customer at current period is predicted to be the consequent part of the rule. Although the sequential rule method considers customers’ purchase sequences over time, it does not make use of the target customer’s purchase data at current period. This work proposes a novel hybrid recommendation method that combines sequential rule and CF methods. The proposed method uses customers’ RFM (Recency, Frequency, and Monetary) values to cluster customers into groups with similar RFM values. For each group of customers, sequential rules are extracted from purchase sequences of that group to make recommendations. In addition, a KNN-based CF method is adopted to provide recommendations based on the target customer’s purchase data at current period. The results of the two methods are combined to make final recommendations. The experimental result shows that the hybrid method performs better than other methods.
Abstract ii
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 4
2.1 Customer Segmentation and RFM Evaluation 4
2.2 Clustering 5
2.2. Association Rules for Product Recommendation 6
2.3. Recommender System 7
2.3.1. Typical KNN-based Collaborative Filtering 8
2.3.2. Sequential Rule-based Recommendation 9
2.3.3. Content-based Filtering 12
2.3.4. Hybrid Approaches 12
3. Methodology 14
3.1. The Hybrid Recommendation Method 15
3.2. The Segmentation-based Sequential Rule Method 17
3.2.1. Customer Clustering 18
3.2.2. Transaction Clustering 21
3.2.3. Mining Customer Behavior 24
3.2.4. Similarity Computing 27
3.2.5. Recommendation of the Top-N Items 28
3.3. The KNN-based CF Method 29
4. Experiment and Evaluation 30
4.1. Data Collection 30
4.2. Experimental Setup 30
4.3. Evaluation Metrics 31
4.4. Experimental Results 32
4.4.1. The Segmentation-based Sequential Rule Recommendation 32
4.4.2. Comparison of Segmentation-based Sequential Rule Method and Sequential Rule-based Method 33
4.4.3. Evaluation of KNN-based CF Method 34
4.4.4. Evaluation of the Hybrid Method 37
4.5. Experimental Summary 38
5. Conclusions and Future Work 40
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