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研究生(外文):Yu-Hsuan Tu
論文名稱(外文):Electronic Excitations In Planar And Cylindrical Systems
指導教授(外文):Cheng-May Kwei
外文關鍵詞:electronprotonplanecylinderinelastic interactiondielectric functionvolume excitationsurface excitationinterface excitationinduced potentialstopping powerdifferential inverse inelastic mean free pathinverse inelastic mean free pathinelastic mean free pathsurface excitation parametermemory effect
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In this dissertation, the models dealing with the inelastic interactions between a charged particle and a solid were developed. Based on inelastic-scattering models, simulations and analyses of electronic excitations were made.
The electronic excitations produced by a charged particle moving near a solid surface play a crucial role in surface-sensitive spectroscopies. By the use of the dielectric response theory, these excitations can be described in terms of the dielectric functions of the materials. The dielectric functions employed in this dissertation were the extended Drude dielectric functions. All parameters in such function were determined by fits to the corresponding experimental optical data and electron energy-loss spectra. In addition, this function was constrained by sum-rules to assure the accuracy and examined to confirm critical-point energies in the interband transitions and plasmon energies in the collective excitations.
In the work for the electronic excitations in planar systems, theoretical derivations of the differential inverse inelastic mean free path (DIIMFP) and inelastic mean free path (IMFP) for electrons crossing solid surfaces were made for different crossing angles and electron distances relative to the crossing point at the surface. Such inelastic cross-sections comprise mainly the contributions from volume and surface excitations. Volume and surface excitations occur when electrons travel, respectively, inside the bulk of the material and near the surface inside or outside the solid. Due to the rough compensation of surface and volume excitations inside the solid, one may pay attention to surface excitations in vacuum. The surface excitation parameters (SEPs) which describe the total probabilities of surface plasmon excitations by electrons traveling in vacuum before impinging on or after escaping from several semiconducting III-V compounds have also been calculated for electrons crossing the compound surfaces with various crossing angles and with various energies. The SEPs were then found to follow to a simple formula. Moreover, the model accounting for the memory effect, which describes the influence of the previous inelastic interaction on the succeeding inelastic interaction, of a charge particle between two successive inelastic interactions was established. Formulas of the induced potential, stopping power, DIIMFP and IMFP considering the memory effect were derived for a charged particle moving parallel to a solid surface. It was found that those with the memory effect for energy lay between the corresponding values without the memory effect for energy and previous energy . The memory effect increased with increasing energy loss, , in the previous inelastic interaction.
In the work for the electronic excitations in cylindrical systems, the theories were developed to deal with inelastic interactions for an electron moving parallel to the axis of a cylindrical structure and a clad cylindrical structure. Formulas for the DIIMFP and inverse IMFP (IIMFP) were derived using dielectric response theory. The DIIMFPs and IIMFPs were calculated for a Si wire, a cavity in Si, a Si cylindrical tube, or a Si cylinder clad in a SiO2 film. The calculated results showed that surface excitations occurred as the electron moved near the boundary either inside or outside the solid, whereas volume excitations arose only for electron moving inside the solid. It was found that the probability for surface excitations increases and that for volume excitations decreases for an electron moving close to the surface. Near the surface, the decrease in volume excitations is compensated by the increase in surface excitations. For a cavity in Si, the IIMFP inside the solid can be approximated by a constant value equal to the IIMFP for the infinite Si, except in the immediate vicinity of the cavity boundary. For the Si cylinder clad in the SiO2 film, inelastic interactions were contributed from volume, surface and interface excitations. Calculated results showed that the relative importance of these excitations depended on the electron distance from the surface or interface of the cylindrical system, the radius of the Si cylinder, and the thickness of the SiO2 film.

1.1 Dielectric Function 1
1.2 Electronic Excitations in Planar Systems 2
1.3 Electronic Excitations in Cylindrical Systems 5

2.1 Drude Dielectric Function 8
2.2 Extended Drude Dielectric Function 10
2.3 Optical Data 12
2.4 Parameters in Extended Drude Dielectric Function 14

3.1 Inelastic Interactions of Electrons with Planar Systems 20
3.1.1 Induced Potential 22
3.1.2 Differential Inverse Inelastic Mean Free Path 25
3.1.3 Surface Excitation Parameter 27
3.2 Memory Effect 36
3.2.1 Induced Potential 36
3.2.2 Stopping Power 48
3.2.3 Differential Inverse Inelastic Mean Free Path 52
3.2.4 Inelastic Mean Free Path 56

4.1 Inelastic Interactions of Electrons with Cylindrical Systems 59
4.1.1 Induced Potential 60
4.1.2 Stopping Power 64
4.1.3 Differential Inverse Inelastic Mean Free Path 66
4.1.4 Inverse Inelastic Mean Free Path 72
4.2 Inelastic Interactions of Electrons with Clad Cylindrical Systems 75
4.2.1 Induced Potential 75
4.2.2 Stopping Power 83
4.2.3 Differential Inverse Inelastic Mean Free Path 85


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