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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Iterative Multi-layered Detection Methods for MIMO MC-CDMA Systems
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We propose iterative multi-layered detection methods for MIMO MC- CDMA systems which applies spatial multiplexing to increase spectral efficiency. In order to suppress layered-antenna interference, a simple adaptive MMSE equalizer is employed firstly, and layered-antenna interference cancellation scheme follows to reconstruct and cancel layered-antenna interference. When most decision results are accurate enough, multipath interference cancellation technique joins MMSE equalizer together to combine the path diversity over multipath channel. Besides, we combine the parallel iterative multi-layered detection method with bit-interleaved coded modulation. Soft information is exploited to adjust adaptive equalizer and reconstruct interference signals to improve the reliability of interference cancellation.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Layered Space Time Techniques 2
1.2 Turbo Iterative Multi-layered Detection Methods 3
1.3 Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation 4
1.4 The Proposed Iterative Multi-layered Detection Methods 5
1.5 About The Thesis 6
Chapter 2 System Model 7
2.1 Transmitted Signal 7
2.2 Received Signal 9
Chapter 3 Iterative Multi-Layered Detection Methods for MIMO MC-CDMA Systems 11
3.1 Adaptive MMSE Equalizer and Iterative Layered-antenna Interference Cancellation 12
3.2 Multipath Interference Cancellation 16
3.3 Successive and Parallel Interference Cancellation 19
3.4 Performance Results 20
3.4.1 The Performance Comparison with Different Interference Cancellation Architectures 21
3.4.2 Effect of the Number of Walsh Codes Used 24
3.4.3 The Performance Comparison between V-BLAST and the Proposed Systems 26
Chapter 4 Parallel Iterative Multi-Layered Detection Method for Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation in MIMO MC-CDMA Systems 29
4.1 Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation 30
4.1.1 The Transmitter 30
4.1.2 The Receiver 31
4.2 Transmit End of the MIMO MC-CDMA System with BICM 40
4.3 Parallel Iterative Multi-Layered Detection Method 41
4.3.1 Receive Signal 41
4.3.2 Overview on the Parallel Iterative Multi-layered Detection Method 42
4.4 Simulation Results 55
4.4.1 The Performance Results of the Parallel Iterative Multi-layered Detection Method 56
4.4.2 The Effect of Imperfect Channel Estimation 61
Chapter 5 Conclusions 63
Bibliography 65
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