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研究生(外文):Sho-Lin Liang
論文名稱(外文):Applying Force-Reflection System for Robotic Telemanipulation
指導教授(外文):Kuu-Young Young
外文關鍵詞:Teleoprationforce-reflection systemSystem ID
  • 被引用被引用:2
  • 點閱點閱:412
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For the hazardous or uncertain environment, we can use the telerobotic system for task execution. To let people have a more realistic feeling of the remote environment and manipulate the robot more efficiently, we need to enhance telepresence for the telerobotic system. Our laboratory has developed a VR-based networked telerobotic system. For its enhancement, in this thesis, we develop a force-reflection system, which consists of the joystick and gripper with force-reflection capability. The operator can use the joystick to manipulate the gripper. And also receive haptic feedback from the remote environment. A closed-loop control system with PID control is built in the system for force regulation. For demonstration, we use the developed force-reflection system to grasp fragile object.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
1. 導論 1
2. 力覺回饋系統 4
2.1. 系統架構 4
2.2. 機械夾爪 5
2.3. 伺服驅動系統 8
2.4. 力感測系統 9
2.4.1. 觸覺感測器 9
2.4.2. 力感測系統 10
2.4.3. 力感測器校正實驗 12
2.5. 力回饋搖桿系統 14
2.6. 控制介面卡 16
3. 系統分析 19
3.1. 永磁直流馬達數學模型 19
3.2. 齒輪列數學模型 23
3.3. 負載數學模型 27
3.4. 力量接觸模型 28
3.5. 系統轉移函數 30
3.6. 系統識別 32
3.7. 穩態誤差 39
4. 操控機制 41
4.1. 夾取物體分析 41
4.2. PID 控制 43
4.3. 實作控制原則 47
5. 實驗結果 49
6. 結論 61
6.1. 未來工作 61
參考文獻 63
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