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研究生(外文):Yu-Chen Lai
論文名稱(外文):Human Resource Professionals' Job Content, Role and Competency in Taiwan Integrated Circuit & Related Industries - Comparing Different Stakeholders' Perspectives
指導教授(外文):Yau-De Wang
外文關鍵詞:Integrated CircuitHuman ResourceCompetencyStakeholder
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This study compares different stakeholders’ perspectives to human resource professionals’ job contents, roles and competencies in Taiwan integrated circuit and related industries. The purposes are to build up a HR job content model, a HR competency model, and to compare different stakeholders’ perspectives to HR job contents, roles and required competencies. Twenty in-depth interviews with HR non-managers, HR managers, executives and HR customers are conducted to well understand their perspectives to HR job contents, goals, contributions, achievements and difficulties, performance evaluation criteria, roles, and required competencies respectively. After analyzing the interview contents by content analysis method, a HR job content model in Taiwan integrated circuit and related industries is built with ten categories including thirty-four items. Also a HR competency model is built with four categories including twenty items. Another finding is that different stakeholders have different perspectives to HR job contents, roles and required competencies. In HR non-managers’ point of view, HR job contents are mostly doing and processing HR routine job. HR plays an administrative expert role most and should possess related competencies. HR managers, on the stance of functional management, think that HR job contents are mostly establishing and planning HR policies and strategies; and HR plays most role in employee champion and strategic partner and should possess related competencies. Executives, on the stance of the whole organization, think that HR job contents are mostly integrating and communicating company strategies; and HR plays most role in strategic partner and should possess related competencies. HR customers in customer service’s point of view, they think HR job contents are mostly providing administrative service and executing strategies. HR plays employee champion and strategic partner roles most and should possess related competencies. Three most effective ways to learn or develop the required competencies for doing a HR job well are interacting and discussing with friends of related industries, experiencing/on-the-job training, and reading.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
一、 研究背景與動機 1
二、 研究目的 3
三、 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
一、 人力資源管理的目的、責任及角色 5
二、 人力資源管理工作 7
三、 才能(competency)的定義和意涵 9
四、 才能的分類與階層 11
五、 人力資源管理專業人員的才能 13
六、 利害關係人方法(A Stakeholder Approach) 17
第三章 研究方法 19
一、 工作內容/才能模型建立之概念性架構圖 19
二、 研究資料蒐集方法 20
三、 訪談內容設計 21
四、 研究對象 23
五、 內容分析法 26
第四章 結果 28
一、 人力資源的組織與人員編制 28
二、 人力資源的工作 29
三、 人力資源的目標/精神和貢獻 49
四、 人力資源的成就和困難 52
五、 人力資源的績效評估 57
六、 人力資源的角色 61
七、 人力資源人員的才能條件 63
八、 人力資源人員的招募管道 74
九、 人力資源人員的學習媒介 75
十、 人力資源管理專業人員之工作內容、角色和應具備之才能條件綜合分析 77
第五章 結論與建議 83
一、 結論 83
二、 建議 88
三、 研究限制 88
參考文獻 90
一、 中文部分 90
二、 西文部分 91
附錄 95
一、 人力資源非主管人員/人力資源主管的訪談問題 95
二、 人力資源主管的主管之訪談問題 97
三、 人力資源內部客戶的訪談問題 99
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