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研究生(外文):Tai, Meng-Ting
論文名稱(外文):A Study on DSC Consumer’s Purchasing Behavior, Country of Origin Image and Brand Image –National University Students in Taipei City As an Example
指導教授(外文):Chen, Quang-Hua
外文關鍵詞:DSCConsumer BehaviorCountry of Origin ImageBrand Image
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With the development of digitization in the world, lead Advances in digital technology, has changed our daily life. Digit Still Camera(DSC)is one of these rapidly growing products in recent years. Because of DSC’s features such as compact size, photography-browse at the same time and cost saving, it has become hot product at present. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to understand which product attributes that DSC consumers will pay most attention to. In addition , this study introduce Country of Origin Image and Brand Image and see the relationship between them and consumption reality. Then we can map out the marketing and brand strategies for DSC enterprises.

This study use EKB model as a conceptual framework. DSC product attributes and demographic factors、purchase motive、information search、country of origin image and brand image are used as independent variables. Consumption reality variables describe the behavior of consumers. The samples are students who own DSC products and study in national university in Taipei City. The place of sampling survey is at ten national universities in Taipei City and the duration of the sampling survey is four month during October 2005 to January 2006.

The results show : DSC product attributes evaluation criteria and demographic factors、purchase motive variable、information search、country of origin image and brand image and consumption reality variables are significant predictors of product choice.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 1
1.3 研究架構 2
1.4 研究範圍與對象 2
1.4.1 研究範圍 2
1.4.2 研究對象 2
1.5 研究步驟 3
二、文獻探討 5
2.1 數位相機產業特性與概況 5
2.1.1 數位相機產品定義 5
2.1.2 數位相機產業發展動向 5
2.2 來源國形象 11
2.2.1 來源國形象之定義 11
2.2.2 來源國形象之重要議題 12
2.2.3 來源國形象的衡量構面 15
2.3 品牌形象 17
2.3.1 品牌形象定義 17
2.3.2 品牌形象的衡量構面 20
2.4 消費者行為理論 22
2.5 產品屬性理論 28
2.5.1 產品的特性與分類 28
2.5.2 產品屬性的意義 29
2.5.3 產品屬性的分類 30
2.6 相關文獻回顧 31
2.6.1 相關文獻彙整 31
2.6.2 相關變數整理 31
三、研究方法 36
3.1 操作性架構與研究變數 36
3.1.1操作性架構 36
3.1.2研究變數 37
3.2 研究假設 38
3.3 問卷設計 38
3.4 抽樣設計 43
3.5 資料處理與分析方法 45
3.6 因素分析 47
3.7信度與效度分析 50
3.7.1信度分析 50
3.7.2 效度分析 52
四、資料分析與發現 53
4.1「消費者基本特徵」與「消費實態」之分析 53
4.1.1 性別與消費時態之分析 53
4.1.2 年齡與消費時態之分析 55
4.1.3 每月可支配金額與消費時態之分析 57
4.2「產品屬性」與「消費實態」之分析 59
4.2.1 產品選擇準則與購買品牌之分析 60
4.2.2 產品選擇準則與購買畫素值之分析 61
4.2.3 產品選擇準則與購買價格之分析 62
4.2.4 產品選擇準則與購買地點之分析 63
4.3「購買動機」與「消費實態」之分析 64
4.4「產品資訊來源」與「消費實態」之分析 67
4.5「來源國形象」與「消費實態」之分析 71
4.5.1 來源國形象與購買品牌之分析 71
4.5.2 來源國形象與購買畫素值之分析 72
4.5.3 來源國形象與購買價格之分析 73
4.5.4 來源國形象與購買地點之分析 74
4.6「品牌形象」與「消費實態」之分析 74
4.6.1 品牌形象與購買品牌之分析 75
4.6.2 品牌形象與購買畫素值之分析 76
4.6.3 品牌形象與購買價格之分析 77
4.6.4 品牌形象與購買地點之分析 78
五、結論與建議 79
5.1研究結論 79
5.2研究建議 84
5.3研究限制 87
5.4後續研究建議 87
參考文獻 89
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