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研究生(外文):Chung Hsin Lin
論文名稱(外文):Exploration of Strategic Groups in China IT Wholesaler-distributor Industry
指導教授(外文):Ying Chan Tang
外文關鍵詞:Strategic GroupChina IT Wholesaler-distributorWholesalerIndustry AnalysisCluster Analysis
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本研究希望探討在中國IT分銷商的策略族群,透過競爭策略的觀點分析中國IT分銷商的產業結構,希望能夠找到合適的競爭策略,重新定位其於中國IT供應鏈上的戰略位置。同一策略族群代表企業有一致或類似的策略構面(Porter, 1980),不同之策略族群究竟是應該控制成本規模化發展?細分市場?提供專業與個性化的服務?還是發展新的增值業務?對於台灣現有的通路業者如聯強國際,在進軍中國市場之際,如何找到真正的競爭對手?
Due to the credit mechanism in China is not developed well. In view of capital cost, being unfamiliar with the consumption environment of the China market and market demand, in addition the consideration of the self-built marketing channel cost, manufacturers choose to open China market by the way of wholesale distribution. Wholesaler-distributor becomes the important partner of manufacturer on selling product throughout China. IT wholesaler-distributor has exactly collected and fed back the true market information to IT manufacturers, to communicate with them effectively in time. So IT wholesaler-distributor has an important and conspicuous position in China IT supply chain.

China joins WTO in 2001 and opens the fields of retailer and service industry. It makes China IT wholesaler-distributor face the strong competition of foreign capitals, such as Ingram Micro, etc… On the other hand, Dell is through the direct selling to get lower cost in China. Dell has not only compressed the operating cost of IT manufactures, but also decreased China wholesaler-distributor’s profit. It makes IT manufacturers change the past agent way. IT manufacturers start to break away from the wholesaler-distributors’ channel gradually, and have accelerated paces to the retail field. Then IT manufacturers control the channels more strictly, and offer more resources to lower distributors. In fact, IT industry is getting riper and riper, the product price is more and more transparent, and the profit is more and more slender. Except the competition of foreign capitals and getting lower reliance from IT manufacturers, IT wholesaler-distributors also face the system integration providers and second-tier distributors that divide the whole market.

This research is to explore the strategic groups of China IT wholesaler-distributors. It would like to analyze the industrial structure of China IT wholesaler-distributors by the view of the competitive strategy, and find the suitable competitive strategy to reorient their strategic position in China IT supply chain. The same strategic group has identical or similar strategic dimensions (Porter, 1980). In different strategic groups of China IT wholesaler-distributors, should we control the cost to make the scale development? Subdivide the market? Offer the professional and individualized service? Or develop value-added service newly? As to the existing Taiwan channel industry member such as Synnex Technology International Corporation, at the time of getting the entrance into China market, how to find the real rival?
目 錄
中文摘要.................................................. i

第一章. 緒 論..............................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機.........................................1
1.2 研究目的...............................................3

第二章 文獻探討............................................4
2.1 相關研究方向...........................................4
2.2 研究假設推論..........................................12

第三章. 產業概述與分析....................................13

第四章. 研究設計與研究方法................................17
4.1 研究架構..............................................17
4.2 研究方法..............................................17
4.3 變數的操作性定義與衡量................................17
4.4 抽樣方法與資料收集....................................20
4.5 資料分析方法..........................................22

第五章. 實證結果..........................................24

第六章. 結論與建議........................................34
6.1 結論..................................................34
6.2 研究限制..............................................42
6.3 後續研究建議..........................................42



表 目 錄

表 2-1 批發商替製造商執行的行銷功能.......................10
表 2-2 批發商替顧客執行的行銷功能.........................11
表 3-1 2004年中國十大卓越分銷商...........................14
表 4-1 2004年中國十大卓越分銷商考核指標...................18
表 4-2 階層式集群法與非階層式集群法比較...................23
表 5-1 平均連鎖法集群分析分群結果.........................27
表 5-2 邊際檢定表.........................................28
表 5-3 成偶檢定表.........................................29
表 5-4 分群命名結果之一...................................29
表 5-5 分群命名結果之二...................................30
表 5-6 集群結果、營業額與市場佔有率等級...................31
表 5-7 卡方獨立性檢定列聯表...............................32
表 5-8 卡方獨立性檢定統計量...............................33
表 6-1 2004∼2005年中國十大卓越分銷商主要代理產品線.......35
表 6-2 2004∼2005年中國十大卓越分銷商長期合作代理商數量...39

圖 目 錄

圖 2-1 通路行銷流程........................................8
圖 2-2 通路行銷流程的效能分析範本..........................9
圖 2-3 五金器具批發商提供之主要服務.......................12
圖 3-1 中國IT分銷商營業規模分佈...........................13
圖 3-2 中國IT分銷商區域分佈...............................14
圖 3-3 中國IT分銷商2004年成長率圖示.......................15
圖 3-4 中國IT分銷商淨利率分佈.............................15
圖 3-5 中國IT分銷商代理產品類別分佈.......................16
圖 5-1 集群分析的步驟.....................................24
圖 5-2 平均連鎖法集群分析樹狀圖...........................26
圖 6-1 中國分銷商獨立信用控制部門設立情況.................36
圖 6-2 2005年分銷商目前業務發展瓶頸.......................37
圖 6-3 2005年分銷商為代理商提供的服務.....................38

4.Michael Porter著,競爭策略,周旭華譯,天下出版,民國八十七年。


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