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研究生(外文):An-Ray Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Chaos, Its Synchronization and Anticontrol of Integral and Fractional Order Modified Heartbeat Systems
指導教授(外文):Zheng-Ming Ge
外文關鍵詞:chaoschaos synchronizationanticontrolchaotization
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Chaos, chaos synchronization and anticontrol for integral and fractional modified heartbeat systems are studied in the thesis. By applying numerical results, phase portrait, Poincaré maps and bifurcation diagrams, a variety of the phenomena of the periodic and chaotic motion can be presented. The synchronizations of two uncoupled integral and fractional order chaotic modified heartbeat systems are accomplished by parameter excited synchronization. Anticontrol of chaos of fractional order modified heartbeat systems can be obtained by addition of a constant term and addition of a nonlinear term. Chaotization of integral and fractional order modified heartbeat systems by parameter excited method, replacement of the parameter of first system by the function of the chaotic state variables of a second chaotic system, is successfully accomplished.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 A Fractional Derivative and a Modified Heartbeat System 3
2.1 A fractional derivative and its approximation 3
2.2 A modified heartbeat system and the corresponding fractional order system 4

Chapter 3 Chaos in a Modified Heartbeat System and in Its Fractional order Systems 6
3.1 Chaos in a integral order modified heartbeat system 6
3.2 Chaos in a fractional order modified heartbeat system 6

Chapter 4 Parameter Excited Chaos Synchronizations of Integral and Fractional Order Modified Heartbeat Systems 39
4.1 The scheme of parameter excited chaos synchronizations 39
4.2 Parameter Excited Chaos Synchronization by kcosx、kcosy、kcosxcosy 40
4.2.1 Parameter Excited Chaos Synchronizations by kcosx 40
4.2.2 Parameter Excited Chaos Synchronizations by kcosy 41
4.2.3 Parameter Excited Chaos Synchronizations by kcosxcosy 41

Chapter 5 Anticontrol of Chaos of the Fractional Order Modified Heartbeat Systems 73
5.1 Anticontrol of Chaos by addition of a constant term 73
5.2 Anticontrol of Chaos by addition of a nonlinear term 74

Chapter 6 Parameter Excited Chaotization of Integral and Fractional Order Modified Heartbeat Systems 89
6.1 A nano resonator system and the chaotization scheme 89
6.2 Chaotization by parameter excited method 90
6.2.1 Chaotization of a integral order modified heartbeat system 90
6.2.2 Chaotization of a fraction order modified heartbeat system 91

Chapter 7 Conclusions 103



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