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論文名稱(外文):Hot Embossing Forming of Optical Glass Lens
外文關鍵詞:Hot Embossing FormingTungsten CarbideLens
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The optical glass lens has been a key component in electronic-optical products. In contrast to traditional grinding technology, hot embossing forming technology of glass lens has shorten the manufacturing time and become one of the most important process to meet the demand of optical glass lens in mass-production market.
This research had been divided into two steps on the research of hot embossing forming of optical glass lens. In the first step, two kinds of preforms prepared by lapping and polishing process were tested to obtain preliminary hot embossing parameters. In the second step, commercially available glass beads (optical grade) were used and optimal hot embossing parameters were sought to obtain glass lens. Two different materials for mold inserts and several coatings for the die surface were tested during hot embossing process. The geometrical accuracy and surface roughness of final products were examined and glass lens with optical grade requirement was met.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 研究方法 2
1.4 文獻回顧 3
1.5 論文內容介紹 4
第二章 光學玻璃 5
2.1 光學玻璃成分 5
2.2 光學玻璃種類 5
2.3 光學性質 7
2.3.1 折射率 7
2.3.2 色散 7
2.3.3 透光率 8
2.4 物理性質 8
2.4.1 玻璃之硬度 9
2.4.2 玻璃之應力 9
2.5 化學性質 9
2.6 本實驗採用之光學玻璃 10
第三章 模仁的製作與硬膜技術 11
3.1 模仁的製作 11
3.1.1 放電加工 13
3.1.2 成形 14
3.1.3 研磨(Lapping) 16
3.1.4 拋光(Polishing) 20
3.1.5 定心 22
3.2 硬膜技術 23
第四章 光學玻璃預型體 26
4.1 自行製作預型體 26
4.1.1 選料 28
4.1.2 切割 28
4.1.3 成形 29
4.1.4 研磨 29
4.1.5 拋光 30
4.1.6 清潔 31
4.2 商用預型體 32
第五章 光學玻璃透鏡熱壓成形實驗 33
5.1 實驗設備 33
5.2 實驗流程 34
5.3 玻璃熱壓成形實驗 35
5.3.1 開放式模具實驗 36
5.3.2 開放式模具實驗結果與討論 42
5.3.3 密閉式模具實驗 43
5.3.4 密閉式模具實驗結果與討論 45
5.3.5 無硬膜層碳化鎢合金模仁密閉式模具實驗 46
5.4 表面品質檢測 51
5.4.1 表面品質檢測原理 51
5.4.2 表面品質名詞定義 54
5.4.3 壓印成品精度要求 55
5.4.4 表面品質檢測結果 55
5.4.5 表面品質檢測結果與討論 67
第六章 結論與未來展望 68
6.1 結論 68
6.2 未來展望 69
參考文獻 71
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