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研究生(外文):Mao-Shiun Liu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis on Filling Process in Oval Disk-Shaped Micro Chambers of Composite Materials at Different Aslope Angle
指導教授(外文):Jenn-Der Lin
外文關鍵詞:micro fluidicPIVPDMS
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The purpose of this thesis is to manufacture oval disk-shaped micro fluidic device for observation and also to examine the effect of surface tension, adhesive and inertial force in the filling process. Two methods to manufacture micro channels and micro chambers in this experiment are PDMS molding process and MEMS technology fabricating on the wafer. The liquid filling process is analyzed at variance value the Weber number, size of the chambers, aslope angle of the chambers, associated with the changes in materials of the walls of the micro chambers, and the chemical changes in processing. Furthermore, in order to clarify the actual circumstance of flowing before bubble entrapped and after, PIV is adopted in this experiment for reconstructing the speed distribution of filling in the bubble-entrapped chambers.
The result of the experiment shows some circumstances when bubble entrapment occurred:
1. With the same Weber number, the degree between the chambers and the inlet channel decreased.
2. With the same degree between the chamber and the inlet channel, the Weber number increased.
3. The PDMS micro chambers package with PDMS sheet was easier than that with glass sheet.
4. With the same Weber number and the same property of the wall in the chamber, the superficies of the chamber was equivalent but the shape of the chamber was different.
In addition, inertia in the inlet channel was offset by the surface tension in big curve chambers, and the speed quantities would spread evenly in the front shapes. Consequently, front shapes failed for reaching chamber corners and filling, and bubble entrapment occurred.
Chemical treatment is also used to change the hydrophilic and hydrophobic quality inside the packaged chambers in this experiment. In regard to PDMS chambers, surfactant and treatment O2 plasma for the second time changed the hydrophobic chamber walls into somewhat hydrophilic. Moreover, to make chamber walls become hydrophilic, treatment O2 plasma is better than treatment HEMA in comparison with treatment HEMA in references. In regard to silicon channel, pouring TMAH would etch the bottom of the chambers once more. Inside the chambers was not smooth; when comparing the chamber walls used treatment TMAH for 15minutes and 30minutes with those had not used treatment TMAH, different filling phenomenon would appear while pouring water in chambers.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
符號表 xvii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1背景 1
1.2文獻回顧 1
1.3研究目的 5
第二章 實驗原理與微流道製程設計 6
2.1實驗原理 6
2.1.1內聚力、表面張力、潤濕性與毛細作用力概念 6
2.1.2微粒子影像測速法基本量測原理 7
2.1.3接觸角 8
2.2微流道製程設計 9
2.2.1微流道設計 9
2.2.2微流道製程 10
第三章 觀測系統與步驟 15
3.1系統架設及操作步驟 15
3.2實驗項目暨觀測步驟 20
第四章 結果與討論 22
4.1靜態接觸角量測結果 22
4.1.1 PDMS材質 22
4.1.2 Silicon材質 23
4.2 PDMS流道填充過程 23
4.3 PDMS模穴表面改質後之填充過程 29
4.4 TMAH處理Silicon流道後填充過程 30
第五章 結論 32
5.1接觸角 32
5.2 PDMS-PDMS模穴與PDMS-GLASS模穴填充過程 33
5.3 改變PDMS模穴壁面親疏水性質 36
5.4 TMAH處理silicon流道後之填充過程 36
參考文獻 38
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