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研究生(外文):Chang Kang-Ming
論文名稱(外文):Wavelet-Based Methods Developed for Interpreting The Zen Meditation EEG
指導教授(外文):Lo Pei-Chen
外文關鍵詞:waveletEEGZen meditation
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本論文中針對人體在禪定練習過程中,另外發展以小波及赫斯特指數的演算法,以便有效鑑別腦電波的beta波(第四篇論文),而beta波是禪定者感受到「內在光」(inner light)時出現的腦波。禪定者beta波出現比例愈高者,視覺誘發電位振幅同時有減少的趨勢(控制組則是振幅增長) ,顯示禪定時視覺傳導系統不易受到外界視覺刺激而變化(第五篇論文)。結合受測者口述統計、腦電波及視覺誘發電位的數據,可間接說明”內在光”存在的生理機制,這點與實際禪定練習者經驗及相關文獻所記載的「內在光」的各宗教共通經驗不謀而合。這項禪定時受測者大腦有光刺激反應的模型,是第一次相關研究中所提出的假說。
Meditation is an important topic on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), the newly developed and fast growing research area. Meditation has significant improvement effects on health, especially on the subjects with pressure, hypertension, emotional control, anti-aging, immune system enhancement, that are critical factors on modern illness and government expenditure on health insurance. Meditation is also highly valued due to the non-invasive properties; practitioners can achieve physical and spiritual achievements by correct teaching and constantly practicing. Zen Meditation practitioners who are subjects of this research especially gain many profits from meditation practicing, they are good at moderate their emotions, stresses, and they have more stable personality, higher learning and working performances. Mediation is a very good solution to people’s health and heavy burdens of Taiwan’s health insurance budgets.
The first major contribution of this thesis is to interpret the dynamic mechanism of health and spirit under Zen meditation by communication and system theories, and explain the EEG change under blessing by circuit resonance theory. We also develop a meditation EEG interpretation principle based on wavelet features and Fuzzy C-means clustering to investigate meditation EEG types and long term meditation EEG scenarios. The entire proposed algorithm’s performances are tested by simulated and real EEG signals.
We also developed a Hurst exponent based method to identify beta EEG rhythms, that is the specific EEG patterns when practitioners feeling the “inner light” during meditation. The little variation of F-VEP amplitude during Zen meditation reflects a more stable visual perceptive system during Zen meditation that is contrary to the visual response of the control subjects under eye-closed relaxation. The subject’s narration and VEP, EEG data prevail the possibility of “inner light”, and “inner light” are match the practitioners’ experience and many religious references. The visual response model of “inner light” is the first hypothesis proposed in the academic report.
Table Index 9
Figure Index 10
1.1 Introduction of Zen Meditation 12
1.2 Survey of literature on the meditation research 17
Chapter 2 METHODS 19
2.1 Introduction of Biomedical signals 19
2.1.1 Introduction of EEG 19
2.1.2 Introduction of VEP 22
2.2 Data Recording Procedures 23
2.2.1 Health survey 23
2.2.2 Blessing 24
2.2.3 Meditation EEG Scenarios 27
2.2.4 VEP 28
2.3 Signal processing algorithms 29
2.3.1 Wavelet approach 29
2.3.2 Sub-Band Power 32
2.3.3 FCM clustering 33
2.3.4 FCM-merging strategies 36
2.3.5 Hurst exponent 42
2.3.6 Alpha-suppressed EEG identification 44
2.3.7 VEP waveform feature extraction 46
Chapter 3 RESULTS 49
3.1 Health Survey 49
3.1.1 Experiences of Zen practitioners 49
3.1.2 Psychological and mental health of the experimental subjects 51
3.1.3 Physiological health conditions in the experimental group 56
3.2 EEG alpha blocking during Zen meditation 62
3.3 Blessing --significant alpha blocking during blessings 64
3.4 Meditation EEG Scenarios 68
3.4.1 FCM and Wavelet 68
3.4.2 Hurst exponent 76
3.5 Correlation between VEP and alpha-suppressed EEG 81
3.5.1 Alpha-suppressed EEG 81
3.5.2 F-VEP 84
3.5.3 Feature space of EEG and F-VEP 87
4.1 Effect of Zen meditation on health 90
4.2 Principle of blessings 91
4.3 Meditation EEG patterns and meditation scenarios 93
4.4 Inner-light nature of Zen meditation practice 94
Appendix-A: original survey questionnaires (Chinese version) 111
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