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研究生(外文):Hsien-Hsin Ho
論文名稱(外文):Glasses Image Enhancement and Reflection Separation for Eye Detection
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Yeong Chang
外文關鍵詞:MSRCRReflection Separationimage enhancementface detection
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Drowsiness is often one of the most important factors causing accidents on various occasions such as work fields and vehicle driving. For drowsiness detection system based on the states of eyes, accurate eye detection is the most important. For a given face image, we present an algorithm to detect the eye location automatically. In drowsiness detection or face recognition systems, in addition to the effect caused by sunglasses, the detection also often fails from the reflections on the wearing glasses or sunglasses. Therefore, eliminating the interference caused by sunglasses, and removing or separating the reflections from the glasses are very important for drowsiness and face detections. In thesis, we utilize an image enhancement technique and an approach which can separate the reflections on the glasses to improve the problems above. How to decompose a single input image into reflection and non-reflection images correctly is very difficult because of the absence of additional knowledge or constraints about the scene being viewed. There will be an infinite number of valid decompositions. We describe an algorithm that uses a simple implementation to perform the decomposition. Given a single image with reflection as input, the algorithm searches for a decomposition into two images that minimize the total amount of edges and corners of the two images. The approach is effective to obtain quite correct separations on reflection scenes using only a single image. In a similar manner, we apply our method to the reflection removal on glasses.

摘要 ………………………………….………………………………………………i
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………………ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………iv
CONTENTS ………………………………………………………………….……..v
LIST of FIGURES ………………………………………………………….………vii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………...1
1.1 Motivation ...………………………………………………………………..2
1.2 Face Detection and Eye Detection Module ….…………………………....2
1.3 Eye Detection with sunglasses ………………………………..……………3
1.4 Reflection Separation ……………………………………………………...…4
1.5 Thesis Outline…………………………………………………………………5

CHAPTER 2 FACE and EYE DETECTION ………………..……………...7
2.1 Introduction …………………..…………………………...…………………7
2.2 Face Segmentation Algorithm .………………………………………………7
2.3 Eye Position Detection ………………………………………………………15
2.4 Sunglasses Images Enhancement ……………………………………………18
2.4.1 Retinex Image Enhancement Technique …………………………19
2.4.2 Histogram Equalization Enhancement Technique ………………28

3.1 Image with Reflection ………….…………………..……………….………34
3.2 Cost Function, Edge and Corner ….……………………….............………35
3.2.1 Edge Detector and Corner Detector ……....…………………………44
3.2.2 Preprocess and Anisotropic Diffusion ………………….……………47
3.3 Discretization Using A Natural Images Database ...…………………………52

CHAPTER 4 SIMULATION and RESULTS ……………………………….….56
4.1 Experiment Results of Eye Detection with Sunglasses ……………………...56
4.2 Experiment Results of Reflection Separation ……………………………….59
4.2.1 One Dimensional Reflection Separation …………………………….59
4.2.2 Reflection Separation by Discretization ……………………………..59

CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION ………………………………………………….. 69

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………….…71

List of Figures

Fig. 2.1. Outline of face-segmentation algorithm …………………………………8
Fig. 2.2. Original image …………………………………………………………10
Fig. 2.3. Image after color segmentation by skin-color map in stage A ……...10
Fig. 2.4. Density map after classified to three classes ………………………..12
Fig. 2.5. Result produced by stage B …………..………..……………………..13
Fig. 2.6. Output of the bitmap produced by stage C ……………...………….14
Fig. 2.7. Image produced by stage D …………………………………………15
Fig. 2.8. Gray-level value variations along two lines ….….……………………17
Fig. 2.9. SSR with different scales ……………………………..………………23
Fig. 2.10. Result of MSR with scales = 15, 80, and 250 …………………………..24
Fig. 2.11. MSR output of a color image ………………...………..........................26
Fig. 2.12. Integral scheme of MSRCR …………………………….….…………...27
Fig. 2.13. MSRCR output of a color image ……………...………………………..27
Fig. 2.14. Illustration of histogram equalization …….………...…………………..30
Fig. 2.15. A comparison of histogram equalization and the MSRCR ……………..31
Fig. 2.16. A comparison of histogram equalization and the MSRCR ……………..32
Fig. 2.17. A comparison of histogram equalization and the MSRCR ……………..32
Fig. 2.18. A comparison of histogram equalization and the MSRCR ……………..33
Fig. 2.19. A comparison of histogram equalization and the MSRCR ……………..33
Fig. 3.1. Some examples for images with reflections …………………………….34
Fig. 3.2. An input image and some decompositions …...………………………….36
Fig. 3.3. Two natural images and their filter derivative output diagrams …………37
Fig. 3.4. The log probability for densities of the form ……………….39
Fig. 3.5. Two natural images and their filter derivative output diagrams …………40
Fig. 3.6. Two natural images and their corner detector output diagrams ………….42
Fig. 3.7. Two natural images and their corner detector output diagrams …………43
Fig. 3.8. Cost values for an input image and some decompositions ……………....45
Fig. 3.9. Sobel and Prewitt edge detector masks ……………………..………….46
Fig. 3.10. Image processed by edge detector and corner detector ……………49
Fig. 3.11. The structure of the discrete computational scheme for simulating the diffusion equation ………….………………………....………51
Fig. 3.12. Comparison between linear smoothing and anisotropic diffusion………51
Fig. 3.13. Some examples for local patches decomposition ……………………..54
Fig. 3.14. A filter bank ………….………………………………………………...55
Fig. 4.1. Images of example 1 for face detection and eye location ………………. 57
Fig. 4.2. Images of example 2 for face detection and eye location ………………. 58
Fig. 4.3. Example 1 for testing a one dimensional subspace of decompositions ….61
Fig. 4.4. Example 2 for testing a one dimensional subspace of decompositions .....62
Fig. 4.5. Example 3 for testing a one dimensional subspace of decompositions .....63
Fig. 4.6. Example 1 of separation results using discretization …………………….64
Fig. 4.7. Example 2 of separation results using discretization …………………….65
Fig. 4.8. Example 3 of separation results using discretization …………………….66
Fig. 4.9. Example 4 of separation results using discretization …………………….67
Fig. 4.10. Example 5 of separation result of a simple image using discretization ...68

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