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研究生(外文):Yue-ho Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Study of A Sealed-Off CO2 Laser with Supported Gold Catalyst
指導教授(外文):Chung-jen Tseng
外文關鍵詞:TiO2-supported gold catalystSealed-off CO2 laserPyrex laser tube
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作法是利用密閉型二氧化碳雷射製作技術直流放電激勵,密閉管型二氧化碳雷射之技術主要包括:高真空封閉的技術,電極材料,氣體組成控制,光腔結構等項目。本研究雷射管採用 Pyrex玻璃管內鍍支撐性(TiO2-Au)金觸媒為一新的嘗試,和現在主要製程電漿濺射法(Sputter-Au)比較有製程簡單及容易量產之優點。
由實驗結果顯示,嘗試使用還原法將奈米金顆粒直接將玻璃管當載體的結果不成功,實驗也嘗試比對電漿濺射法金觸媒對雷射管的影響,發現修改雷射共振腔結構後可以得到類似國外雷射管水準。以支撐性金觸媒製作之密閉管型二氧化碳雷射,可以得到雷射輸出功率,在10.6微米波長及連續波操作下,達到86.4W,從120cm長度的有效氣體放電區域,每公尺的平均輸出功率是72Watt/meter ,且測試累積計錄約在260小時(11工作天) 。從超過幾百小時長時間的觀察,雷射管呈現功率的衰減。這裡仍須探討雷射功率衰減或不穩定的因素,其中之一即真空加熱的問題,對雷射管的潔淨有很大影響;另外,雷射氣體分別從國內及國外取得,其氣體純度及組成百分比準確的控制是否影響雷射的性能,仍須實驗驗證。
A sealed-off CO2 laser has TiO2-supported gold catalyst coated on the inner wall. The laser power increase and the long term stability were studied to understand the effect of gold catalyst on the laser power output of the laser tube in different running condition.
In this study, we used integrated experiences on sealed-off CO2 laser tube manufacturing technique which included high vacuum sealed-off technique, electrode materials, gas composition, resonator structure, etc. We used Pyrex glass laser tube that was coated by Au/TiO2 catalyst using a sol-gel method. This is a new feature in this study and different from major commercial products, which usually use sputtered unsupported Au particles. Our method has the advantage of being able to be easily integrated to mass production procedure compare to the sputtering method.
From the experimental results, trying to use reduction method and putting the gold catalyst on glass tube as the carrier failed to get good results. We also try to compare the sputtering Au catalyst on the laser tube. After modifing the laser resonator structure we can get performance comparable to commercial laser tubes. The TiO2-supported gold catalyst sealed-off CO2 laser tube delivered an optical power of 86.4W for 10.6 μm continuous-wave operation. The power level can reach 72 Watts/meter base on the tube length of 120 cm. The accumulated operation time was more than 260 hours (11 days). From a few hundred hours of laser operation we noticed that the laser power drift which can originate from several factors, such as the vacuum heating, vacuum seal materials and method, laser gas composition and purity have to be verified through experiments.
誌謝-------------------- -----------------------------------------Ⅴ
第一章 緒論---- ---------------------------------------------------1
1.1 前言-----------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 發展背景-------------------------------------------------------2
1.3 直流密閉型二氧化碳雷射之最新發展-------------------------------3
1.4 文獻回顧-------------------------------------------------------4
1.5 研究目的-------------------------------------------------------6
第二章 密閉式二氧化碳雷射理論 -------------------------------------7
2.1 二氧化碳雷射之基本理論-----------------------------------------7
2.2 金觸媒對密閉型二氧化碳雷射效能影響----------------------------12
第三章 實驗方法與實驗設備-----------------------------------------14
3.1 內鏡型參層Pyrex密閉型雷射管製作-------------------------------14
3.2 金觸媒製備方式------------------------------------------------18
3.3 支撐性金觸媒(TiO 2-Au)製備------------------------------------21
3.4 雷射管組裝方法與流程------------------------------------------24
第四章 結果與討論-------------------------------------------------30
4.1 不同雷射管比較測試--------------------------------------------31
4.2 支撐性金觸媒(TiO2-Au)雷射管可靠度測試-------------------------36
4.3 雷射光學設計與光模--------------------------------------------37
第五章 結論-------------------------------------------------------38
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