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The purpose of this study is to overcome the misconceptions of acids-bases-salts for eighth grade students in Taichung by using a conceptual change learning. This study is to proceed quasi-experiment. Students in the experimental group, art-gifted students in grade eight, use the dynamic assessment based on group learning interaction, and students in the control group, group A students in grade eight, use the traditional teaching approach. The steps of the study are to (1).analyze the pre-test datas of two-tier diagnostic test, (2).examine students’ major misconceptions of acids-bases-salts, (3).design the learning materials of acids-bases-salts including four learning sheets of dynamic assessment, (4).instruct with the dynamic assessment based on group learning interaction for a month. Data collection includes students’ scores of two-tier diagnostic test of acids-bases-salts(pre and post), the learning sheets of dynamic assessment, students’ scores of the achievement test(pre and post)。The findings are found as following:
1. Students’ learning effect of the experimental group is better significantly than the control group on overcoming the misconceptions about acids-bases-salts.
2. Students’ learning effect of the experimental group is better significantly than the control group about our among these nine proposition statements, including the neutralization of acids and bases, the ionization of electrolyte, the strength of acids and bases, and the ionization of water.
3. Students’ learning effect of the experimental group is better than the control group about overcoming the misconceptions of process category on Chi’s ontology.
4. No matter whether students are in the experimental group or in the control group, it is easy within ontological conceptual change, but it is hard across ontological conceptual change.
5. Students’ learning effect of the experimental group is better significantly than the control group on the achievement test of acids-bases-salts.
目 次
誌 謝: ........................................................................... Ⅰ
中文摘要: ........................................................................... Ⅱ
英文摘要: ........................................................................... Ⅲ
目 次: ........................................................................... Ⅳ
圖 次: ........................................................................... Ⅴ
表 次: .......................................................................... Ⅵ
附 錄 次: .......................................................................... ⅠⅩ

第壹章、緒論 ........................................................................ 1
第一節、研究背景與研究重要性 .............................................. 1
第二節、研究目的與待答問題 ................................................. 4
第三節、名詞解釋 ............................................................... 5
第四節、研究範圍與限制 ....................................................... 6

第貳章、文獻探討 .................................................................. 7
第一節、國中階段酸鹼鹽迷思概念 ........................................... 7
第二節、概念改變理論與教學策略 ........................................... 13
第三節、動態評量與教學上的研究 ............................................ 26
第四節、小組互動式動態評量的發展 ......................................... 36

第參章、研究方法與步驟 ......................................................... 42
第一節、研究對象 ............................................................... 42
第二節、研究方法與設計 ....................................................... 43
第三節、研究工具 ............................................................... 44
第四節、實施程序 ............................................................... 57
第五節、資料處理及統計方法 ................................................. 59

第肆章、結果與討論 ............................................................... 61
第一節、小組互動式動態評量在酸鹼鹽迷思概念學習成效分析 .......... 62
第二節、Chi本體論在物質與過程類別的學習成效分析 .................... 71
第三節、在酸鹼鹽成就測驗學習成效分析 .................................. 103

第伍章、結論與建議 .............................................................. 105
第一節、結論 ................................................................... 105
第二節、未來研究的方向與建議 ............................................. 112

參考文獻 ............................................................................. 113
附錄 ................................................................................. 119
一、 中文部分
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許瑛玿、謝惠珠(2004):應用概念改變教學策略在颱風常識的學習。師大學報:49(1), 15-20。
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鄭麗玉(1998):如何改變學生迷思概念。教師之友, 39(5), 28-36。

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