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研究生(外文):Yu-Jing Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):An Ecofeminist Reading of Margaret Atwood's Surfacing
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-Chen Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Ecofeminismecofeminist spiritualityecofeminist ethic
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此論文主要藉由生態女性主義的觀點詮釋加拿大著名女作家瑪格麗特˙艾特伍德的小說《浮現》- 對於該部作品中所呈現的男性與女性以及人類與自然的關係提供一個不同的視野,並試圖探究在女主角的轉變和自我建構的過程中自然所扮演的角色及其賦予的力量。
This thesis attempts to interpret Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing in terms of ecofeminism to offer a different vision toward the relationship of not only men and women but also human and nature presented in this novel, and to explore the role nature takes and the power nature endows in the process of the female protagonist’s transformation and self-reconstruction.
This thesis contains five sections. In Chapter One, I introduce the brief biography of Margaret Atwood, literature reviews, and the motivation of this thesis. In Chapter Two, I build up a theoretical framework for this thesis, where I refer to four related conceptions of Ecofeminism revealed in Margaret Atwood’s novel Surfacing: opposing the Western dominant culture, challenging the Capitalist oppression, praising and advocating Ecofeminist spirituality, and establishing Ecofeminist ethic. Based upon the central ideas of ecofeminism, in this thesis, I try to anatomize Margaret Atwood’s masterpiece Surfacing to explore the affinities between the ecofeminist thought and the major concern of this novel. In the third chapter of my thesis, I discuss how three Western cultural biases— androcentrism, anthropocentrism, and capitalism function to cause the victimization of the female and the environment in Margaret Atwood’s novel Surfacing. In the fourth chapter of my thesis, I focus mainly on analyzing the transformation of the female protagonist in the novel Surfacing. It is anatomized how the power and inspiration of nature help her find a way out of victimhood and face her true self bravely so that in the end of the novel, she can regain new life and further build up a new ethic to improve the relationship between not only the male and the female but also human and nature. The final chapter of the thesis is the conclusion, which summarizes the primary points of the previous chapters and offer suggestion for further study. Through exploring Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing in light of ecofeminism, this thesis tries to open up a new insight into this great author’s ideas and their affinities with the ecofeminist thought. Moreover, this study hopes to awaken the readers’ awareness to improve the relationship between human and nature and make the readers take the female protagonist’s transformation in this novel as a mirror to learn to cherish the valuable earth we live in with care, compassion, and respect. Significantly, as the central conception Margaret Atwood wants to convey through the novel Surfacing, in this way, the world can be founded on the equality and mutual respect of men and women as well as the flourishing coexistence of human beings and all creatures in nature.
Table of Contents

Chinese Abstract………………………………………………………i
Abstract……………………………………………………………… ii
Table of Contents……………………………………………………vi

Chapter One: Introduction………………………………………… 1
Chapter Two:
Laying Bare the Core Assertion of Ecofeminism………………17
I. Opposing the Western Dominant Culture…………………… 19
II. Challenging the Capitalist Oppression……………………26
III. Praising and Advocating Ecofeminist Spirituality……31
IV. Building up Ecofeminist Ethic………………………………36
Chapter Three: The Presentation of Western Dominant Culture in Surfacing………………………………………………………… 42
I. Androcentrism…………………………………………………… 43
II. Anthropocentrism……………………………………………… 50
III. Capitalism………………………………………………………55
Chapter Four: The Revival of Woman’s Power from Nature in Surfacing………………………………………………………………61
I. Ecofeminist Spirituality………………………………………62
II. Ecofeminist Ethic………………………………………………71
Chapter Five: Conclusion………………………………………… 81
Works Cited……………………………………………………………90
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