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研究生(外文):Kun Tsung Lee
論文名稱(外文):Using Case-Based Reasoning for Hardware Module Instantiation and Synthesize of Digital Communication System
指導教授(外文):Chi-Pan Hwang
外文關鍵詞:Case-based reasoningDatabase
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In this thesis, the research scope has focused on the autonomous system generation of the digital communication applications. We use the case-base reasoning of artificial intelligence technique and database system to retrieve the reusable digital communication hardware modules that are in turn used to synthesize a dedicated digital communication system referring to the designated system specification. The case-based reasoning technique uses the remembering and learning on existed solutions to solve new problems. The case library is constructed by a standard design flow of relational database to alleviate the implementation efforts. The system generation process is started from the specified design conditions from the graphical user interface, then a set of database query statements are derived to retrieve those candidate solution classes in case library that are built on a database system. Finally, the applicable evaluation and revision are applied on the candidate cases based on the designated system specification. The performance of case-based reasoning is important. It directly influences the amount of retrieved candidate cases from case library. Therefore, several matching functions are devised to promote the correctness and efficiency of the case retrieve that are applied to achieve the goal of autonomous system generation.
中 文 摘 要................i
目 錄................iv
圖 目 錄................v
表 目 錄................vi

第一章 緒論................1
1-1 研究背景................1
1-2 研究動機................1
1-3 研究目的及方法................2
第二章 案例式推理理論................4
2-1 專家系統................4
2-1-1 規則式推理系統(Rule-based reasoning,RBR)................5
2-1-2 案例式推理系統(Case-based reasoning,CBR)................5
2-2 案例式推理系統(Case-based reasoning,CBR)................6
2-2-1 案例表示法(Representation of Cases)................6
2-2-2 案例式推理週期(CBR cycle)................8
2-3 案例式推理系統推論技術................10
2-3-1 索引編派................10
2-3-2 相似度衡量................11
第三章 系統設計方法................13
3-1 設計標準................14
3-2 系統架構................14
3-2-1 系統方塊功能設計................15
3-2-3 系統的學習與維護................34
第四章 實作驗證................36
4-1 開發環境................36
4-2 資料庫與C++ Builder 6.0的設定................37
4-3 系統操作流程及分析................38
第五章 結論................42

圖 目 錄

圖2-1 問題與結果空間................7
圖2-2 系統PROTOS案例表示法................8
圖2-3 CBR流程................9
圖2-4 索引資訊................10
圖3-1 系統架構................15
圖3-2 案例庫形成步驟................16
圖3-3 表格形式................17
圖3-4 實體關係圖................18
圖3-5 關聯式資料綱要................18
圖3-6 案例庫架構和應用程式設計流程 20
圖3-7 通訊產品規格................21
圖3-8 通訊抽象階層圖................21
圖3-9 案例庫ER圖................24
圖3-10 Access表格架構................25
圖3-11 關聯式綱要Access格式................25
圖3-12 系統操作流程圖................26
圖3-13 案例收集器................27
圖3-14 屬性分級器................27
圖3-15 SQL產生器................28
圖3-16 案例式推理控制器................28
圖3-17 案例表示格式................29
圖3-18 案例的匹配................30
圖3-19 函數功能................31
圖3-20 數值型相似衡量函數................32
圖3-21 數值型屬性相似值計算範例................33
圖3-22 評論輸出報告框架................34
圖3-23 系統學習流程圖................35
圖4-1 C++ Builder 6.0整合開發環境 36
圖4-2 設定OLE DB提供者................37
圖4-3 連結資料庫................38
圖4-4 GUI介面................38
圖4-5 擷取候選案例................39
圖4-6 系統推理結果................40

表 目 錄

表3-1 需求表格................29
表3-2 解答表格................30
表4-1 屬性相關參數................39
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