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研究生(外文):Chih-Ching Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Transient Dynamics and Active Vibration Control of Beam-Mass System
指導教授(外文):Yi-Ming Wang
外文關鍵詞:beam-mass systemflexible structuresactive optimal control
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關鍵字: 運動質量與樑系統,撓性結構體,主動式最佳化控制
Mechanical vibration is an important topic in the study and design of flexible structures. The objective of this thesis is to study the dynamics and control of an attached mass rolling on with or without initially curved beam based on a simplified control model. The transient dynamics of system and the optimization of the performance index of linear quadratic regulator (LQR) are considered. Three discrete actuators are placed along the beam that provides the necessary forces to control the response of the beam-mass system.
Based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and Newtonian mechanics, the coupled non-linear equations of motion combining with a simple closed-loop feedback control are obtained.
Results of computer simulation show that with appropriate regulator design, although the variation of certain physical parameters, such as the mass ratio, the initial speed of mass and initially curved of beam, excellent control performance of the introduced control system is still maintained. Therefore, the vibration of the system can be suppressed significantly even if a simplified control model is applied.

Keyword: beam-mass system, flexible structures, active optimal control
Abstract (Chinese) I
Abstract (English) II
Acknowledge III
Contents IV
Figure Contents VII
Index Notation XI

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Background and Motivation 1
1-2 Literature Survey 3
1-3 Organization 5
Chapter 2 Equation of Motion of Beam-Mass System 7
2-1 Basic Formulas of A Beam-Mass System without initial curvature 7
2-1-1 Boundary-Value and Control Forces Problem of A Beam-Mass System 11
2-1-2 The Approximate Solution of A Beam-Mass System 12
2-2 Basic Formulas of A Beam-Mass System with initial curvature 16
2-2-1 Boundary-Value and Control Forces Problem of A Beam-Mass System 20
2-2-2 The Approximate Solution of A Beam-Mass System 22
Chapter 3 Control Law Design 27
3-1 A Review of The Linear Quadratic Control 27
3-2 The Linear Quadratic Regulator Vibration Control Design 29
3-3 The Number of Actuators and the Placement of Actuators 34
Chapter 4 Numerical Results and Discussions 36
4-1 The Transient Dynamics of A Beam-Mass System 36
4-1-1 The Dynamic Responses of The System without Initial Curvature 36
4-1-2 The Dynamic Responses of The System with Initial Curvature 47
4-2 The Optimal LQR Vibration Control with A Beam-Mass System 51
4-2-1 The Control Responses of The System without Initial Curvature 51
4-2-2 The Control Responses of The System with Initial Curvature 59
Chapter 5 Conclusions 63
5-1 Summary 63
5-2 Recommendations for Future Work 63
Bibliography 64
Publications 68
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