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研究生(外文):Por-Ching Chang
論文名稱(外文):Apply Fuzzy Control Theory to Automatic Boiler Combustion Control in Garbage Incineration Plant
指導教授(外文):Yi-Cheng Huang
外文關鍵詞:fuzzy controlgarbage incineration plantAutomatic Combustion Control
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實驗方式是以直接觀察法找出垃圾焚化系統轉移函數模型,該轉移函數系統具有時間延遲之特性,且落後時間和垃圾熱值有關。為了比較傳統PID 控制器和模糊控制器的控制效果,以不同落後時間,代表真實垃圾熱值變化情形下,分別以步階輸入觀察其輸出響應,所得到的結果是模糊控制較能適應垃圾熱值變化;接續利用模糊控制理論來設計模糊控制器,並在不同燃燒時間延遲的鍋爐燃燒系統轉移函數模型下,比較 PID控制與模糊控制兩者的控制性能。
The main theme of this thesis explores the fuzzy control scheme to handle the garbage incineration plant operation. The dominant role in the incineration plant plays is to burn refuse. In addition, utilisation of the reusable exhausted heat to regenerate the electricity through the power of steam evaporation is the other goal. In order to achieve complete combustion of the garbage and maintain the stability of providing electric utility, we need a steady control operation. Due to the complexity in the content of garbage, the effective heating value varies, and acts unlikely the burning coal or petroleum that is easy to be maintained in a fairly good control. The influence factors to be considered are rather complicated and need to be handled carefully. Because the entire boiler combustion system is a nonlinear system and time varying system. Therefore, using PID control, the operator must often readjust the PID controlled variables, in accordance with the change of system performance. Nevertheless, fuzzy control can obtain a good control effect.
The experiment based on the estimated transfer function of plant is conducted. The time delay characteristic and lagging time related to the effective heating value are presented. In order to compare the control effort of the above problem, traditional PID controller and fuzzy controller are implemented with different lagging time. Simulation results show that the fuzzy controller can cope with the variation of garbage heating value problem with different combustion time-delay.
In summary, applying fuzzy control theory in the entire boiler automatic combustion control and with expert's knowledge and operator's experience, fuzzy decision-making control exhibits a wisdom control system Therefore, a boiler combustion system with non-linear and time-delay combustion characteristics, reach more stabilized steady state, which in turn, made the cogeneration plant smooth in operation line.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
謝誌 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX

第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 章節提要 2
第二章 燃燒基本原理 4
2-1燃燒的基本原理 4
2-2完全燃燒 5
2-3實務上燃料的完全燃燒 6
2-4 自動燃燒控制系統 8
第三章 垃圾焚化系統模型分析 14
3-1 垃圾焚化與熱能計算 14
3-2 熱值與爐體特性 15
3-3 特性方程式中鍋爐常數 及 之求解 17
3-4 PID控制在具時間延遲系統之效果 20
第四章 垃圾燃燒系統模糊控制設計 27
4-1 模糊控制器的架構 29
4-1-1 定義輸入及輸出變數 30
4-1-2 模糊化 31
4-1-3 建立控制規則庫 31
4-1-4 解模糊化 31
4-2 模糊控制器的實現 31
4-2-1 輸入變數及輸出變數的模糊化 32
4-3 模擬軟體輸入變數及輸出變數的模糊化設定情況 38
4-3-1 Input 1 垃圾熱值 38
4-3-2 Input 2 燃燒爐床垃圾厚度 39
4-3-3 Input 3 鍋爐出口主蒸汽流量偏差量 39
4-3-4 Input 4 燃燒爐床速度操作量 40
4-3-5 Input 5 進料器速度 40
4-3-6 Input 6 爐內溫度 41
4-3-7 Input 7 鍋爐氧氣含量 41
4-3-8 Input 8 助燃空氣一次風量輸入比例 42
4-3-9 Input 9 鍋爐二次風量助燃空氣輸入補償量 43
4-3-10 Output 為鍋爐出口實際蒸汽量 43
4-4 建立模糊控制規則庫 44
4-4-1 操作經驗一 44
4-4-2 操作經驗二 44
4-4-3 操作經驗三 45
4-4-4 操作經驗四 45
4-4-5 操作經驗五 46
4-4-6 操作經驗六 46
4-4-7 操作經驗七 46
4-4-8 操作經驗八 47
4-5 解模糊化 49
4-6 解模糊化模擬狀況 49
4-7 進行fuzzy模擬 50
第五章 結論與討論 57
5-1 結論 57
5-2 未來應用 58
參考文獻 60
附錄:模糊控制規則庫訂定之內容 63
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