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論文名稱(外文):Characteristic analysis of thermal self-focusing effect and graded-structure on high power AlGaInP laser diode
外文關鍵詞:high powerAlGaInPlaser diodethermal self-focusinggraded-structure
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第三章將先說明模擬的參數與熱模型的設定方式,並討論不同披覆層厚度對雷射特性的影響,研究發現披覆層厚度增厚,將使砷化鎵基板與導電層的光場分佈變少,可降低內部損失而提升發光效率。在高功率操作下,電流密度越來越大,光輸出功率也越高,且磷化鋁鎵銦的熱導率係數低,導致元件內部散熱不易,造成元件內部溫度容易升高。但也因為如此,考慮熱效應下的雷射二極體會有熱自發聚焦(Thermal self-focusing effect)的現象產生。當考慮熱效應下的磷化鋁鎵銦雷射二極體,其臨界電流會降低且斜坡效率也會明顯提升。進一步分析發現,載子容易被侷限在電極下方,這也是元件內部溫度較高的地方,因為在高電流下操作時,往側向載子的移動率減小,故載子被侷限在元件結構中波導的區域。此外,在高溫下的導帶底端與費米能階也有所修正,這也是載子會被侷限的原因。因此,在側向的載子將會容易被侷限,所以造成在元件中心量子井處將有較多的載子被利用於受激放射,而從臨界電流、斜坡效率可知,當披覆層厚度為1.7~1.9 um時元件有最佳的效能。
第四章將利用披覆層鋁成份線性漸變的結構,並討論雷射的特性。漸變的披覆層能使光場分佈集中,因此披覆層厚度不需太厚而可以達到一樣的效率,進一步的發現,當考慮熱效應下特性,披覆層厚度為1.3 um時有最低的溫度。
Red AlGaInP laser diodes(LDs)with higher output power and efficiency are strongly required for the DVD-R/RW drivers, especially for improving the writing speed. According to the experimental results, the recording speed is proportional to the square of the output power of AlGaInP LDs. Therefore, to further improve the recording speed of DVD-R/RW, the output power of AlGaInP LDs has to be increased dramatically. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the performance of the high power 650-nm AlGaInP LDs with the consideration of thermal model and the theoretical analysis is done utilizing LASTIP simulation software.
In chapter one, the material characteristics of the AlGaInP LD will be first reviewed. In chapter two, the development history of the AlGaInP LD and several methods used to improve the output power of the AlGaInP LDs will be described.
In chapter three, we will demonstrate the characteristics of the high power AlGaInP LDs resulted from the carrier self-focusing phenomenon in the higher temperature regime by taking the thermal effect into account. In our previous work, we have demonstrated that there is an optimized cladding thickness for the high power AlGaInP LDs to reduce both the optical loss and thermal amount. The catastrophic optical damage (COD) levels and thus the output power of the AlGaInP LDs can be enhanced using the optimized cladding layer thickness. While we are doing analysis on this high power LD, we have found that the threshold currents of the AlGaInP LDs are degraded as expected; however, the slope efficiencies (S/E) are improved if compares with the performance without considering the thermal effect. Further investigation shows that with taking the thermal effect into account, the carriers are stayed underneath the electrode region, which is corresponding to the higher temperature region, at higher driving currents instead of spreading out of ridge waveguide region due to the reduction in carrier mobility at the higher temperature region. Moreover, the conduction band edges as well as the Fermi levels are modified at higher temperature region, which also cause the increase in carrier numbers. Therefore, this better carrier confinement in the lateral direction will cause more carriers available inside the quantum wells for stimulated emission to improve the S/E. In the end it is found that the optimized cladding layer thickness is about 1.7~1.9 um due to lower lattice temperatures and thus a better output performance.
In chapter four, we adopt linear graded cladding layer which means that the aluminum composition X of (AlxGa1-x)0.52In0.48P will grade from 1 to 0.7, the optical field will be concentrated on the active region therefore it can be achieved the better output performance of laser diodes without more thicker cladding layer thickness. When taking the thermal effect into account, the optimized cladding layer thickness is 1.3 um due to lower lattice temperatures.
Although at higher temperature region the carrier scattering time will decrease and result in the increase in total loss. However, according to the theoretical analysis the overall effect shows that the degradation in internal loss can be compensated by the carrier self-focusing effect. This carrier self-focusing phenomenon can be further confirmed by studying the near field patterns at different driving currents.
目錄 ………………………………………………………………Ⅲ
中文摘要 …………………………………………………………Ⅶ
英文摘要 …………………………………………………………Ⅸ
圖表索引 …………………………………………………………ⅩⅠ
第1章 磷化鋁鎵銦材料及應用介紹 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 磷化鋁鎵銦材料介紹 3
1.2.1 晶格特性 3
1.2.2 能隙 4
1.2.3 折射率 5
1.3 磷化鋁鎵銦雷射二極體結構 6
1.4 磊晶方式介紹 9
第2章 高功率磷化鋁鎵銦雷射的發展與改進 13
2.1 磷化鋁鎵銦雷射二極體的發展歷史 13
2.2 提升磷化鋁鎵銦紅光雷射效率的設計方式 14
2.2.1 基板的選擇與摻雜 15
2.2.2 光功率密度的影響及活性區的設計 17
2.2.3 不同波導和批覆層厚度與光場的變化 20
2.2.4 降低電流密度 24
2.3 改善遠場垂直發散角 25
2.3.1 利用Mode expansion layer縮小遠場垂直發散角 26
2.3.2 利用n型步階披覆層(Two step n-cladding layer) 27
2.3.3 改變n型阻擋層(n-blocking layer)的成份 31
2.4 熱效應對磷化鋁鎵銦二極體的影響 34
2.4.1 不同成份半導體化合物的熱阻係數與熱導率係數 35
2.4.2 半導體材料計算熱通量的方式 40
第3章 高功率磷化鋁鎵銦雷射的熱自發聚焦效應與不同披覆層厚度的影響 47
3.1 研究動機 47
3.2 元件結構的設計與如何考慮熱效應 48
3.2.1 設計雷射二極體結構 48
3.2.2 考慮熱效應模擬的方式 51
3.2.3 熱傳導係數的計算方式 51
3.3 模擬分析不同披覆層厚度對雷射二極體的影響 54
3.3.1 披覆層厚度與光場在砷化鎵層的吸收 54
3.3.2 熱效應下光輸出功率與操作電流分析 56
3.3.3 有無熱效應下電子濃度分佈 59
3.3.4 有無熱效應下能帶分析 66
3.3.5 有無熱效應下溫度分佈 69
3.3.6 熱效應下不同的熱來源 72
3.3.7 不同披覆層厚度與熱效應模擬的結果 73
第4章 高功率磷化鋁鎵銦雷射採用漸變披覆層厚度與熱效應下的影響 75
4.1 披覆層漸變(Grading)對元件特性的影響 75
4.2 採用漸變披覆層光場的分佈與元件特性 75
4.3 熱效應模擬下採用漸變披覆層的元件特性分析 80
4.4 熱效應下漸變披覆層的元件晶格溫度與熱來源 82
4.5 不同漸變披覆層厚度與熱效應模擬的結果 84
第5章 結論 86

附錄A 模擬軟體簡介及其理論基礎…………………………………88
A.1 模擬軟體簡介……………………………………………… 88
A.2 模擬軟體的理論基礎……………………………………… 88
附錄B Heat flow計算…………………………………………………92
附錄C 半導體雷射的熱來源……………………………………… 92
附錄D 以PIC3D模擬量子井內側向能隙變化…………………… 99
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