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研究生(外文):Kai-Hsiang Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Fast Hierarchical Coding Mode Decision Using Progressive Increasing Complexity Criterions for H.264
指導教授(外文):Din-Yuen Chan
外文關鍵詞:H.264Mode decisionMotion estimationMotion vector
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比起先前所有的編碼標準,H.264提供了許多的機制作重大改進。其中一個改良機制,就是模式決策機制(mode decision)。模式決策機制提供了不同的區塊大小(16×16, 16×8, 8×16, 8×8, 8×4, 4×8, 4×4),來適用於不同的影像特性。可以在節省位元數的情形下得到較佳的影像品質。相對的模式決策機制也造成了編碼時複雜度大量上升。所以本研究的目標就是在維持壓縮品質下,有效減少模式決策複雜度。首先,利用16×16區塊之動作估計(Motion Estimation)時所得之SAD(Sum of absolute difference)值作判斷。若SAD之差值大於定義的臨界值,就將此模式視為決定模式。否則,利用Rate-SADdiff model之對應區域來決定是否對較小的區塊模式作判斷。若需要對8×8區塊模式作判斷,則先對8×8區塊做動作估計。再利用8×8區塊所得的SAD值決定候選模式。最後利用Lagrangian cost在候選模式中決定出最佳的模式。
本研究利用三個由簡而繁之模式判斷法則,讓較複雜之判斷法則的使用機率降低,而不明顯影響 PSNR之表現。
Comparing to the previous coding standard, H.264 provides many schemes for improving the encoding result. One of the improving scheme is mode decision. Mode decision provides different block sizes (16×16, 16×8, 8×16, 8×8, 8×4, 4×8, 4×4) to suit different video property. By the way, H.264 standard can save coding bits and gains a better video quality at the same time. On the contrary, the mode decision scheme makes coding complexity increase by times. The goal of this study is to maintain the compression quality and efficiently reduce the mode decision complexity.
First, exploiting the SAD (Sum of absolute difference) obtained from 16×16 block size ME (Motion estimation) to determine. If the SAD difference greater than defined threshold, such mode is viewed as decision mode. Otherwise, exploit the uncertainty region of Rate-SADdiff model to determine whether the smaller block size mode should be considered. If it is need to consider 8×8 block size, then 8×8 block size ME is done before. And exploit the SAD obtained from 8×8 block size ME to determine the candidate mode. Finally, use Lagrangian cost function to choose the best mode from the candidate modes.
In the study, we use three mode decision criteria to go from the simple to the complex let the complex determine criteria with the lower probability without influence PSNR.
摘要 i
Abstract i
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Digital Video Compression Standards 1
1.2 Motivation 5
1.3 Thesis Organization 6
Chapter 2 Overview of H.264 Mode Decision 7
2.1 Mode Decision of H.264 7
2.2 Inter Prediction 8
2.1.1 Fractional Pixel Search 11
2.1.2 Quarter Luminance Sample Interpolation 12
2.1.3 Motion Vector Prediction 14 Median Prediction 14 Directional Segmentation Prediction 16
2.3 Intra Prediction 17
2.3.1 4×4 Luminance Prediction Modes 18
2.3.2 16×16 Luminance Prediction Modes 20
2.3.3 8×8 Chrominance Prediction Modes 20
2.4 Rate Distortion Optimization Schemes 21
2.4.1 Lagrangian Cost 22
2.4.2 Determining and 23
2.4.3 SAD, Hadamard Transform, SATD, SA(T)D 23
CHAPTER 3 A Hierarchical Benefit-Balancing Coding Mode Decision Mechanism for H.264 26
3.1 Introduction 26
3.2 Hierarchical Strategy Utilize The Decision Criterions 31
3.3 Uncertainty Range Decision 34
3.4 Depiction of processes for HB-CDM tree nodes 37
Chapter4 Experiment Results 41
4.1 Parameter Setting 41
4.2 Experiment Results 42
Chapter 5 Conclusions 50
5.1 Conclusions 50
5.2 Future Works 51
References 52
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