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研究生(外文):Yi-Hsin Lin
論文名稱(外文):Cell Segmemtation and Pattern Recognition of Breast Cancer Based on histology
指導教授(外文):Chien-Chuan Ko
外文關鍵詞:HistologyBreast cancerMathematical morphologyTexture analysisBayes networkSupervised learning
  • 被引用被引用:4
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The breast cancer is the second leading cancer for Taiwan woman. According to the statistics from the ministry of health, nearly 5000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed every year in Taiwan. Among them, 1400 peoples die as a result of the breast cancer. This message causes great threat to woman’s life in Taiwan. To identify the disease as early as possible, periodically checking herself by touching her breast is a necessary and preliminary procedure to identify the disease. She should be further examined by an experienced doctor once she discovers possible symptoms of breast cancer. The severity of the disease can thus be identified as early as possible. Doctor can determine suitable and efficient treatments. During the examination of the breast cancer, examination with histology slice is a gold standard for the diagnosis of the cancer. It not only can provide the confirmation to breast biopsy in pathology, but the prognosis factor to examine the cancer.
The major goal of this research is to apply a series of image operations on the breast-biopsy-slide images fetched from microscopes, and analyze possible histology types and feature parameters related to the tumor. Therefore, it can help clinicians diagnose the disease, and apply the system to examine breast cancer, even reduce their load.
In this study, histology-slide images of breast fetched from CCD camera were used for experimental samples so that region of interest (i.e. duct) can be isolated form background. A series of image operations including color space transformation, thresholding, mathematical morphology, and connected component labeling were performed to extract the duct of breast from the histology-slide images. Next, various shape features including the area rate of the duct, the maximum area of the duct, the thickness of the duct, the number of inner and outer contours were extracted. Texture parameters such as entropy, contrast, and energy were also measured in order to analyze the complexity of the texture. The above features and parameters wee input into Bayes network where supervised learning were conducted to classify whether the examined patient infects the breast cancer. Experimental results reveal that the proposed system can obtain better performance for various testing samples.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖表目錄 ix
表格目錄 xi
第一章 導論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究背景及相關研究 5
1.2.1國內外相關研究現況 7
1.2.1-1 國外相關研究現況 7
1.2.1-2 國內相關研究現況 8
1.2.1-2參考文獻之評述 9
1.3研究目的 9
1.4論文架構 11
第二章 基礎理論 12
2.1正常的組織學 12
2.2乳癌的臨床表徵 13
2.3常見的良性乳房疾病 13
2.3.1乳房發炎及乳房膿瘍 14
2.3.2纖維囊腫病變 14
2.4乳房癌瘤 15
2.4.1管道癌瘤 15
2.4.2小葉性癌瘤 16
2.4.3最常見之乳癌 16
2.5乳癌之臨床分期 17
2.6病理組織學切片 20
2.7病理組織學切片成像 21
2.8色彩空間 22
2.8.1 RGB彩色模型 22
2.8.2 灰階轉換 23
2.9影像處理技術 24
2.9.1影像分割 24
2.9.1-1臨界值法 24
2.9.1-2形態學的修正 25
2.9.2 紋理分析 26
2.10貝氏網路 27
2.11評估方式 28
第三章 研究架構及方法 30
3.1研究影像與設備 30
3.1.1研究影像 30
3.1.2研究設備 31
3.2研究流程 31
3.3研究步驟 33
3.3.1影像分析及前處理 33
3.3.2乳房導管分割 36
3.3.3導管特徵參數及紋理分析 47
3.4系統診斷流程 53
3.5系統評估方式 54
第四章 實驗結果與討論 56
4.1乳房組織切片影像分割結果 56
4.1.1灰階轉換 56
4.1.2去除背景之處理 57
4.1.3去除紅血球之處理 58
4.1.4去除微小細胞核之處理 59
4.1.5乳導管內、外緣之擷取 61
4.2貝式網路訓練和測試 62
4.3系統介面 65
第五章 結論與未來展望 66
5.1結論 66
5.2未來展望 67
參考文獻 68
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