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研究生(外文):Yan-Gu Li
論文名稱(外文):The Promotion Actualities of Green Building , Green Building Material and Consumer Behavior Investigation on Wooden Interior Decoration Market in Chiayi
指導教授(外文):Prof. Hong-Ding Soong
外文關鍵詞:Green BuildingGreen Building MaterialWooden Interior DecorationConsumer BehaviorSatisfaction
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The objectives of this study were to explore information about the promotion actualities of Green Building, Green Building Material and consumer behavior investigation on wooden interior decoration market in Chiayi. The number of questionnaires sent out is 830, and questionnaires left 686 effectively. The percentage of samples’ information:male (48.3%) and female(51.7%) . The age class is mainly 25~44 (64.1%). The education level is mainly college (74.5%). The occupation is mostly service industry (22.2%). The personal revenue is 20,000∼40,000 NT dollars (44.6%) per month and the family revenue is 40,000∼60,000 NT dollars(34.5%) per month. The most of samples reside at their own house(76.1%).
About the promotion actualities of Green Building and Green Building Material:
(1)Understanding about Green Building is 18%, non-understanding is 82%. (2)Supporting the idea of Green Building is 73%, neutrality is 27%.(3) Supporting the convention of Green Building mark is 83%, neutrality is about 17%. (4)About the understanding of Green mark:knowing Green Building mark and Green Building Material mark is 22%, unknowing Green Building mark and Green Building Material mark is 54%, knowing Green mark is 96%. Over 50% of the samples gain information about environmental protection are mainly through TV programs, news, magazines, and label. The presupposition of the little difference between price and function, the sample who would like to use green products is about 89%, only 2% of samples wouldn’t like to use. 67% of the sample will accept the price plus lower than 20%, whereas only 24% will accept the price plus higher than 30%. About the building types:the samples considering using RC-built house plus wooden interior decoration are about 49% mostly, and then steel-framed house plus wooden interior decoration is 43%, but using wooden building is only 10%.
In the procession of consumer decision-making, the reasons of purchase: about wood floor , the most samples emphasize on the promotion of the quality of life and interior beauty; about wood wall panel, the most samples emphasize on the promotion of the quality of life and interior beauty, the others are the sound absorption property of wood wall panel, conditioning effect of temperature and relative humidity of wood, and healthy benefit from wood. Female puts more emphasis on the natural fragrance of wood than male; male puts more emphasis on maintenance of wood wall panel. About collection of information:consumers will realize advantages and weaknesses of wood floor and wall panel at first, compare lots of products and refer to professional opinion and suggestion. About assessment of project: purchasing wood floor and wall panel, consumers emphasize on security and permanence; the others are after service, permanence, maintenance, repair, and price of wood floor. The age class on 20~24 and 55~64、married and have children、higher income and reside at home will have more consideration to the reasons of purchase and assessment of project. For the final decision-making: consumers will consider its advantages and beauty mostly, and the important decision-maker is male mainly. Traditional decoration store and woodworker of which are consumer purchase from, but DIY market has lots of marketing potential; life time of 16~20 years can satisfy their expectation. About price, wood floor has to dominate lower than 5000 NT dollars per 3.3m2, wood wall panel has to dominate lower than 4000 NT dollars per 3.3m2 in order to match consumers’ budget. The color of floor: most of people prefer to dark color. About satisfaction of wood floor: the lowest satisfaction is noise-making from wood floor, another is permanence of wood floor. The higher satisfaction items are touch of wood floor, steadiness of emotion, and beauty of integration. On wood wall panel: steadiness of emotion, and beauty of integration are higher, but permanence is the lowest one. Because satisfaction of renovating wood wall panel is lower, wood wall panel industry has to improve it to arise consumer’s satisfaction of wood wall.

壹、 緒論.........................1
一、 研究背景與動機..................1
二、 研究目的.....................3

貳、 文獻回顧.......................4
一、 綠建築......................4
二、 綠建材...................... 11
三、 木構造建築與木質內裝............... 15
四、 消費者行為.................... 37

參、 研究方法....................... 43
一、 研究架構..................... 43
二、 研究變數..................... 43
三、 問卷設計..................... 44
四、 統計方法..................... 48

肆、 結果與討論...................... 50
一、 所有受訪者基本資料分析.............. 50
二、 有使用木質地板與木質壁板之消費者資料分析..... 56
三、 綠建築與綠建材等環保標章的認知與接受度...... 64
四、 購買決策分析................... 73
五、 消費者屬性對產品認知態度之分析.......... 79
六、 購買決策之因素分析................ 88
七、 最後決策分析................... 92
八、 滿意度分析.................... 97
伍、 結論......................... 104

陸、 建議......................... 109

參考文獻......................... 111
圖 2.1 綠建築標章..................... 6
Fig. 2.1 Green Building mark. ................. 6
圖2.2 綠建材標章 ..................... 11
Fig. 2.2 Green Building Material mark.............. 11
圖2.3 E.K.B.模式圖..................... 40
Fig. 2.3 E.K.B consumer decision-process model.......... 40
圖3.1 研究架構......................43
Fig. 3.1 Research structure...................43
圖 4.1 受訪者對於綠建築了解程度調查 ...........64
Fig. 4.1 The investigation on understanding to Green Building.... 64
圖 4.2 受訪者對綠建築理念的支持度............. 65
Fig. 4.2 The support to Green Building. ............ 65
圖 4.3 受訪者對於綠建材標章訂定的支持度.......... 66
Fig. 4.3 The support to set Green Building mark convention..... 66
圖 4.4 受訪者對於綠建築、綠建材和環保標章的認識度調查... 67
Fig . 4.4 The investigation on recognition to Green Building, Green
Building Material and Green marks............ 67
圖 4.5 受訪者獲取環保相關資訊的管道............ 68
Fig. 4.5 The ways to attain information about environmental protection......................68
圖 4.6 受訪者使用環保商品的意願.............. 69
Fig. 4.6 The desire of using Green merchandise........... 69
圖4.7 消費者購買環保商品願意接受的價差..........70
Fig. 4.7 The acceptable price plus of Green merchandise....... 70

圖 4.8 受訪者對於住宅構造的選擇.............. 71
Fig. 4.8 The choices to structure of living.............71
圖 4.9 受訪者對於居住於木建築擔心的地方......... 72
Fig. 4.9 The worried parts of living in wood-framed building.....72
圖4.10 選擇木質地板的顏色................. 96
Fig. 4.10 The color of wood floors. ............... 96
圖4.11 木質地板所用之樹種的認知度............. 99
Fig. 4.11 The recognition to species of solid wood floors.......99
圖4.12 木質地板鋪設方式之認知度.............100
Fig. 4.12 The recognition to ways of laying wood floors.......100
圖4.13 木質壁板所使用樹種的認知度............. 103
Fig. 4.13 The recognition to species of solid wood wall panels..... 103
表2.1 綠建築評估系統與地球環境關係............ 8
Table 2.1 The relation of Green Building estimated system and global environment. ....................8
表2.2 綠建材認定要領建議.................14
Table 2.2 The essential recognition of Green Building Material.... 14
表2.3 近十年建築構造別核發使用執照面積比例(%)...... 15
Table 2.3 The percentage of superficial measure issued license using of building structure within 10 years............15
表2.4 建築構造形式的環境衝擊評估(加拿大Athena LCA研究模式)...........................18
Table 2.4 The estimation of the environmental impact of forms of building structure. ................. 18
表2.5 木質地板的種類與特性................32
Table 2.5 The types and characteristics of wood floors. ....... 32
表2.6 台灣木質地板常用規格................34
Table 2.6 The common specification of wood floors in Taiwan..... 34
表2.7 台灣木質地板常使用的樹種..............36
Table 2.7 Species of solid wood floors commonly used in Taiwan... 36
表2.8 影響消費者行為的因素................38
Table 2.8 The factors influencing the consumer behavior....... 38
表3.1 基本資料題項....................45
Table 3.1 The questionnaire subjects of the basic data. ....... 45
表4.1 所有受訪者之性別分析................52
Table 4.1 The sex analysis of all the samples............52

表4.2 所有受訪者之年齡層分析...............52
Table 4.2 The age class analysis of all the samples......... 52
表4.3 所有受訪者之婚姻與家庭狀況分析...........52
Table 4.3 The marriage and family analysis of all the samples..... 52
表4.4 所有受訪者之教育程度分析..............53
Table 4.4 The education level analysis of all the samples....... 53
表4.5 所有受訪者之職業分析................53
Table 4.5 The working field analysis of all the samples........53
表4.6 所有受訪者之個人所得分析..............54
Table 4.1 The revenue level analysis of all the respondents......54
表4.7 所有受訪者之家庭所得分析..............54
Table 4.7 The revenue level analysis of all the respondents’ household..54
表4.8 所有受訪者之住屋情況分析..............55
Table 4.8 The analysis on housing condition of all the samples..... 55
表4.9 所有受訪者之木質地、壁板的使用經驗分析.......55
Table 4.9 The analysis on experiences of having used wood floors and
wall panels.....................55
表4.10 使用木質地、壁板者之性別分析............ 58
Table 4.10 The sex analysis of having used wood floors and wall
panels...................... 58
表4.11 使用木質地、壁板者之年齡分析............ 59
Table 4.11 The age class analysis of having used wood floors and wall
panels...................... 59
表4.12 使用木質地、壁板者之婚姻與家庭狀況分析....... 59
Table 4.12 The marriage and family analysis of having used wood floors
and wall panels................... 59
表4.13 使用木質地、壁板者之教育程度分析.......... 60
Table 4.13 The education level analysis of having used wood floors and
wall panels.................... 60
表4.14 使用木質地、壁板者之職業分析............ 61
Table 4.14 The working field analysis of having used wood floors and
wall panels.................... 61
表4.15 使用木質地、壁板者之所得分析............ 62
Table 4.15 The revenue level class analysis of having used wood floors
and wall panels...................62
表4.16 使用木質地、壁板者之家庭所得分析.......... 62
Table 4.16 The revenue level class analysis of having used wood floors and wall panels household............... 62
表4.17 使用木質地、壁板者之住屋情況分析.......... 63
Table 4.17 The analysis on housing conditioning of having used wood floors and wall panels................. 63
表4.18 消費者對於木質地板購買原因之重視程度........ 73
Table 4.18 The emphasis of wood floor purchasing reason of the
表4.19 消費者對於木質地板資訊蒐集方式之重視程度...... 74
Table 4.19 The emphasis of wood floor information collecting ways of
the consumers ...................74
表4.20 消費者在購買木質地板時對於各項的重視程度...... 75
Table 4.20 The emphasis of wood floor attributes of the consumer’s
purchase..................... 75
表4.21 消費者對於木質壁板購買原因之重視程度........ 76
Table 4.21 The emphasis of wood wall panel purchasing reason of the
表4.22 消費者對於木質壁板資訊蒐集方式之重視程度...... 77
Table 4.22 The emphasis of wood wall panel information collecting ways
of the consumers.................. 77
表4.23 消費者在購買木質壁板時對於各項的重視程度...... 78
Table 4.23 The emphasis of wood floor attributes of the consumer’s purchase..................... 78
表4.24 消費者屬性對於木質地板產品認知態度之卡方分析1.. 82
Table 4.24 Chi-square analysis of consumer’s attributes of the wood floor
(Ⅰ)....................... 82
表4.25 消費者屬性對於木質地板產品認知態度之卡方分析2... 83
Table 4.25 Chi-square analysis of consumer’s attributes of the wood floor
(Ⅱ)........................ 83
表4.26 消費者屬性對於木質壁板產品認知態度之卡方分析1.. 86
Table 4.26 Chi-square analysis of consumer’s attributes of the wood wall
panel (Ⅰ).................... 86
表4.27 消費者屬性對於木質壁板產品認知態度之卡方分析2.. 87
Table 4.27 Chi-square analysis of consumer’s attributes of the wood wall
panel (Ⅱ).....................87
表4.28 消費者對於木質地板購買決策之因素分析....... 89
Table 4.28 The factor analysis of the purchasing decision on the wood
floor....................... 89
表4.29 消費者對於木質壁板購買決策之因素分析....... 91
Table 4.29 The factor analysis of the purchasing decision on the wood
wall panel.....................91

表4.30 木質地板與壁板購買主要原因之分析.......... 94
Table 4.30 Analysis of purchase motivation of wood floor and wall
表4.31 木質地板與壁板最後決策者分析............ 94
Table 4.31 Analysis of purchaser of wood floor and wall panel.... 94
表4.32 木質地板與壁板裝設方式分析............. 95
Table 4.32 Analysis of build manner of wood floor and wall panel... 95
表4.33 木質地板與壁板需耐用年限分析............ 95
Table 4.33 Analysis of useful life of wood floor and wall panel. ...95
表4.34 木質地板與壁板可接受的價位分析........... 96
Table 4.34 Analysis of acceptable price of wood floor and wall panel..96
表4.35 接觸過木質地板之滿意度分析............ 97
Table 4.35 The satisfaction analysis of contacting of wood floors....97
表4.36 有裝設木質地板之滿意度分析............. 98
Table 4.36 The satisfaction analysis of laying wood floors...... 98
表4.37 接觸過木質壁板之滿意度分析............. 101
Table 4.37 The satisfaction analysis of contacting of wood wall
表4.38 有裝設木質地板之滿意度分析............. 102
Table 4.38 The satisfaction analysis of laying wood wall panels.... 102
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