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研究生(外文):Huang, Jun-Yan
論文名稱(外文):Study on Laboratory Diagnosis of
指導教授(外文):Chou, Shih-Jen
中文關鍵詞:艾利希體聚合酶鏈反應A. phagocytophilum
外文關鍵詞:Ehrlichiapolymerase chain reactionA. phagocytophilum
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本研究於台北、嘉義及高雄之動物醫院共採集19個疑似感染艾利希體之犬隻血液樣本,並於台灣南部地區共隨機採集107個流浪犬之血液樣本,以血液塗抹片、間接免疫螢光抗體試驗(IFA)、酵素連結免疫吸附試驗(ELISA)及聚合酶鏈反應(PCR)等方法檢測艾利希體。本研究之目的為利用不同之實驗室診斷方法檢測台灣地區犬隻感染艾利希體之種別,並比較各種檢測方法之優缺點及其在臨床診斷上的實用價值。以血液塗抹片檢查法檢測艾利希體,結果顯示於單核細胞之細胞質內發現桑椹體之陽性率為1.6 %(2/126);於血小板內發現桑椹體之陽性率為4.0 %(5/126);而在顆粒性白血球之細胞質中,並無發現桑椹體之存在。以商業化之IFA kit檢測Anaplasma phagocytophilum(A. phagocytophilum)之抗體,結果顯示陽性率為50.0 %(55/110);以商業化之ELISA kit檢測Ehrlichia canis(E. canis)之抗體,結果顯示陽性率為14.8 %(18/122);以PCR檢測A. phagocytophilum及A. platys之核酸,結果顯示陽性率分別為11.1 %(14/126)及7.9 %(10/126);以nested PCR檢測Ehrlichia canis(E. canis)之核酸,結果顯示於primary PCR為陰性反應,而nested PCR之陽性率為4.0 %(5/126)。將所有PCR陽性之產物進行序列分析,結果顯示以ehr521-ehr790增幅A. phagocytophilum 16S rRNA片段之PCR陽性產物之序列與GenBank發表之A. platys以色列分離株(AY530806)之序列相似度略高於A. phagocytophilum標準株(AY055469);以EC3-EC4增幅E. canis 16S rRNA片段之5個PCR陽性產物之序列與GenBank發表之E. canis台灣分離株(DQ228501)、日本分離株(AF536827)及中國分離株(AF162860)完全一致;以EHR16SR-PLATYS增幅A. platys 16S rRNA片段之10個PCR陽性產物之序列與AY530806相似度達97.6 %以上。以IFA kit檢測為A. phagocytophilum陽性結果的55個樣本中,同時為PCR陽性的樣本分別只佔了18.2 %(10/55);以ELISA檢測為E. canis陽性結果的18個樣本中,同時為nested PCR陽性的樣本只佔了11.1 %(2/18)。根據結果顯示,實驗室診斷艾利希體之方法中,雖然IFA及ELISA具有操作簡便快速之優點,但抗體陽性反應可能是因帶菌期抗原刺激所殘留下來,或因不同種別之艾利希體感染造成之血清交叉反應。因此,要檢測台灣犬隻艾利希體之感染,PCR檢測為準確性及特異性均甚高的一種方法
Nineteen canine blood samples that was suspected with ehrlichiosis were collected from animal hospitals in Taipei, Chiayi and Kaohsiung. And 107 canine blood samples from stray dogs were also collected randomly in southern Taiwan. Diagnostic methods for Ehrlichia spp. infection such as blood smear, indirect immunofluorescent antibody assay (IFA), enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used in this study. The purpose of this study was to detecte Ehrlichia species of canine in Taiwan by using these laboratory diagnostic methods, and to compare their usage on clinical diagnosis. Ehrlichial morula were detected by blood smear, the positive rate of morular observed in mononuclear leukocytes was 1.6 % (2/126). The positive rate of morular observed in platelet was 4.0 % (5/126), and no morula were observed in granulocyte. Antibodies of Anaplasma phagocytophilum (A. phagocytophilum ) were detected by commercial IFA kit, the positive rate was 50.0 % (55/110). Antibodies of Ehrlichia canis (E. canis) were detected by commercial ELISA kit, the positive rate was 14.8 % (18/122). We also detected A. phagocytophilum and A. platys with PCR, the positive rates were 11.1 % (14/126) and 7.9 % (10/126), respectively. E. canis were also detected by nested PCR, all samples were negative in primary PCR, and the positive rates were 4.0 % (5/126) in nested PCR. All positive PCR products were sequenced, the results suggested that all sequences of positive PCR products that were amplified by primer ehr521-ehr790 were more similar to A. platys Israeli isolated strain (AY530806) than to A. phagocytophilum standard strain (AY055469). The sequences of 5 positive PCR products that were amplified by primer EC3-EC4 were identical to E. canis Taiwanese isolated strain (DQ228501), Japanese isolated strain (AF536827) and Chinese isolated strain (AF162860). The sequences of 10 positive PCR products that were amplified by primer EHR16SR-PLATYS were similar to AY530806 above 97.6 %. In 55 A. phagocytophilum positive samples which were detected with IFA kit, only 18.2 % (10/55) were also positive with PCR. In 18 E. canis positive samples which were detected with ELISA kit, only 11.1 % (2/18) were also positive with nested PCR. These results suggested that different diagnostic methods for ehrlichiosis, even though IFA and ELISA allowed advantages of less time consuming and easy to use. But positive results of antibodies maybe were remained by antigens stimulation in infected phase, or serologic cross-reactivity of other species of Ehrlichia. In conclusion, antigen detection with PCR might be a more accurate and specific method to diagnose ehrlichial infection in dogs in Taiwan.

中文摘要......................... i
英文摘要......................... iii
目次........................... v
圖次........................... viii
表次........................... xi
第一章 緒論....................... 1
第二章 文獻探討..................... 4
第一節 歷史背景................... 4
第二節 病原體.................... 5
第三節 傳播途徑................... 7
第四節 臨床症狀................... 9
第五節 血液學變化.................. 10
第六節 診斷方法................... 10
第七節 治療..................... 13
第三章 材料與方法.................... 14
第一節 實驗材料................... 14
第二節 血液學檢查.................. 17
第三節 血液化學檢查................. 18
第四節 間接免疫螢光抗體試驗............. 18
第五節 酵素連結免疫吸附試驗............. 19
第六節 核酸之萃取.................. 20
第七節 聚合酶鏈反應................. 21
第八節 巢式聚合酶鏈反應............... 24
第九節 電泳分析................... 25
第十節 DNA定序及分析............... 25
第四章 結果....................... 26
第一節 血液學檢查.................. 26
第二節 血液化學檢查................. 28
第三節 間接免疫螢光抗體試驗............. 28
第四節 酵素連結免疫吸附試驗............. 29
第五節 聚合酶鏈反應................. 29
第六節 巢式聚合酶鏈反應............... 30
第七節 DNA定序及分析............... 30
第八節 以血液塗抹片檢查法及PCR檢測A. platys之結果比較......................
第九節 以血液塗抹片檢查法及PCR檢測E. canis之結果比較......................
第十節 以血液塗抹片檢查法及ELISA檢測E. canis之結果比較.....................
第十一節 以IFA及PCR檢測A. phagocytophilum之結果比較.....................
第十二節 以ELISA及nested PCR檢測E. canis之結果比較.....................
第五章 討論....................... 35
參考文獻......................... 68
附錄........................... 77
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