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研究生(外文):Yu-Shiang You
論文名稱(外文):Senior Group Package Tourists Stay in Non-Senior Friendly Hotel
指導教授(外文):Kuo-Ching Wang
外文關鍵詞:group package tour (GPT)seniorfield experimenthotel facility
  • 被引用被引用:9
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Senior travelers are becoming more attentive and can not disregard market. It is one of the fastest growing market segments of worldwide tourism industry. In many Asian countries and areas such as Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and China, etc., group package tour (GPT) is one of the main modes of outbound travel. During the en-tire group package tour itinerary, hotel is typically viewed as one of the most important sectors. In short, despite the importance of senior group package tourists to the hotel industry, there is a lack of empirical support regarding how they react to the facilities provided by the hotel.
The study applied an experimental design (quasi-experiments) for examining the relationship between customer satisfaction with those senior friendly attributes ob-tained from the literature review, three focus groups, and in-depth interviews. Rooms with senior friendly attributes are designated as experimental groups. Besides, in order to examine if the interpretation in printed-card or in printed-card and personal for those senior friendly attributes would moderate the customer satisfaction, two different interpretation forms are taken into consideration for experimental groups. The results from this study were that senior tourists have greater satisfaction in hotel rooms both with senior friendly attributes and interpretation effect (with both printed-card and personal interpre-tation). The study complemented prior satisfaction researches of senior GPT when living hotels. Recommendations for future research and managerial implication were also provided.
中文摘要 ...................... 1
英文摘要 ...................... 2
致謝辭 ....................... 3
內容目錄 ...................... 5
表目錄  ...................... 7
圖目錄  ...................... 8
第一章  緒論.................... 9
  第一節  研究背景................ 9
  第二節  研究問題................ 10
第三節  研究目的................ 13
第四節  研究流程................ 14
第二章  文獻回顧.................. 15
  第一節  銀髮族團體旅遊............. 15
  第二節  旅客旅館重視因素............ 16
第三節  解說導覽................ 19
第四節  顧客滿意度............... 22
第三章  研究方法.................. 25
  第一節  研究架構................ 25
  第二節  研究假設................ 26
第三節  變數之操作性定義............ 27
第四節  友善設施屬性項目............ 28
第五節  實驗設計................ 35
第六節  問卷設計................ 44
第七節  統計分析方法.............. 47
第四章  資料處理與分析............... 48
第一節  回收樣本特性分析............ 48
第二節  友善設施對房間整體滿意度影響...... 54
第三節  解說措施對房間整體滿意度影響...... 55
第五章  結論與建議................. 56
第一節  研究結論與建議............. 56
第二節  研究限制................ 58
參考文獻 ...................... 59
附錄   ...................... 66
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