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研究生(外文):Ming-Wei Yang
論文名稱(外文):Relative Metal Affinities of α–Amino Acids Determined by Using the Kinetic Method
指導教授(外文):Yen-Peng Ho
外文關鍵詞:metalamino acidkinetic methodaffinity
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Intrinsic properties of molecules provide an important benchmark for understanding properties in solution and are usually investigated by theoretical calculations and gas-phase experiments. Proton and metal-ion affinities are examples of intrinsic properties and have been measured successfully. Data obtained using kinetic methods have been analyzed to provide relative ion affinities for the competitive dissociation involved. In this work, we studied the relative sodium and calcium ion affinities of 20 common α–amino acids. The relative sodium ion affinities of amino acid anions are obtained by comparing the ratios of intensities of [A.A.1-H+]- and [A.A.2-H+]- dissociating from [NaI(A.A.1)(A.A.2)-2H+]-. The relative calcium ion affinities of amino acid complexes are obtained by comparing the ratios of [CaII(A.A.1)(A.A.2)-H+]+ and [CaII(A.A.1)2 -H+]+ dissociating from [CaII(A.A.1)2(A.A.2)-H+]+ and the ratios of [CaII(A.A.1)(A.A.2)-H+]+ and [CaII(A.A.2)2-H+]+ dissociating from [CaII(A.A.1)(A.A.2)2-H+]+. Calcium-bound dimeric cluster ions are too strongly bound to create simple Ca2+-bound monomeric ions. By contrast with the dimeric cluster ions, the Ca2+-bound trimeric cluster ions fragment readily by simple ligand losses. The affinities involve both deprotonation and calcium ion binding energies, so we subtracted the deprotonation energies to obtain the relative calcium ion binding energies. The temperature required in calculating the metal binding energies of amino acids was obtained by measuring the ratio of [A.A.1+H+]+ and [A.A.2+H+]+ dissociating from [A.A.1+ A.A.2+H+]+.


1.1 Importance of Metal in Biology………………………………1
1.2 The Kinetic Method…………………………………………....3
1.3 The Development of Mass Spectrometry………………………5
1.4 Principles of Electrospray Ionization…….………………8
1.5 Tandem Mass Spectrometry………………………………….…11

Experimental Section……………………………………………….12

2.1 Chemicals…………………………………………………………12
2.2 Mass Spectrometry………………………………………………12
2.3 The Kinetic Method…..……………………………………….14
2.3.1. Sodium Ion Affinities…………………….………………14
2.3.2. Calcium Ion Affinities…………………………………..17
2.3.3. Effective Temperature…………………………………….19

Results and Discussion………………………….…………………20

3.1 Dissociation of the Na+-Bound Heterodimers………….…20
3.2 Sodium Affinities of Amino Acids………………………….27
3.3 Sodium Affinity Order of Amino Acids…………………….37
3.4 Dissociation of the Ca2+-Bound Trimers………………….38
3.5 Calcium Affinities of Amino Acid Complexes…………….44
3.6 Comparison of the Calcium Ion Affinity Order to Alkali Metal Ion Affinities………………………………………………52
3.7 The Relative Metal Binding Energies of Amino Acids….54
3.8 The Calcium Binding Energies of Amino Acids Complexes…..............................................61



Appendix I. Twenty Commonα–Amino Acids………………………71

Appendix II. Standard Deviation of Metal-Bound Amino Acid Pairs….................................................73

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