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研究生(外文):Tusi-Lien Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Study of Distributed Fermat-Point Based Location Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks
指導教授(外文):Tiann-Liang Chen
外文關鍵詞:wireless sensor networksFermat-Point based location estimation
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一般來說,測距法(ranging estimation)在很多無線感測網路的位置演算法中是可行且常用的。依據他們運算結構的方式,位置演算法可大略分為兩類:一為集中式的演算法,而另一為分散式的演算法。在本篇論文中,我們只專注於分散式演算法中的一群名為邊界盒(bounding box algorithm)演算法,且以其中的CPE演算法(14)為比較的參照演算法,並提出改良其感測器位置估測準確性的策略。在邊界盒(bounding box algorithm)演算法中,假設每一個感測器都位於他所有beacon node 的 邊界盒 (bounding box)相交集合中,則感測器的位置就以此相交集合的最後邊界盒 (bounding box)的中心點位置作為估測值。如此隨便取值的結果,往往導致誤差太大,效能較低。有鑑於此,本研究針對此隨便取值的缺點提出改良方案,以數學上平面幾何的觀點出發,利用平面上一點到三定點的最短距離和為最小的點即為此三定點所構成的三角形的費馬點(Fermat point)且經證明此點即為三角形的重心位置的特性,我們提出了FPDLE algorithm的策略研究,經模擬結果顯示,FPDLE algorithm在影響效能因素的分析下(感測器的密度、beacon node 的比率及查詢的回覆率)有三項重要的結果 (1)當感測器數量低於150個時,平均誤差確實可隨著感測器數量增加而快速減少,但當數量超過170 時,平均誤差保持在1%範圍內,因此數量增加對平均誤差的影響,就不太明顯 。(2)當beacon node的數量低於60時,增加beacon node數,確實可降低平均誤差。但其數超過60後,這個因素的影響又變得不太明顯。(3)在回覆率比較上,當beacon node數超過55後,位置估測的準確度將近可達90%。就演算法的角度看來,FPDLE演算法的數學算式簡單是不需藉由套裝軟體像MATLAB、Maple V等的使用協助,模擬結果確實也證明了較CPE演算法在位置的估測上執行得準確性更高且效能更好。
由於本篇論文的模擬環境,我們做了一些較理想的設定,要在真正Tinyos platform上執行,仍有些因素要克服,這也是我們後續要努力的方向。但本篇論文最主要的目地—就是從數學平面幾何費馬點的觀點,提供另一種相較於bounding box algorithm準確性較高且效能較好的Ranged-based algorithm—FPDLE algorithm 來估測感測器的位置。
Recent technological advances have made it possible to develop distributed sensor networks consisting of a large number of low-cost, low -power, and multi-functional sensor nodes that communicate in short distances through wireless links. Such sensor networks have been proposed for various applications such as health monitoring, home and military operations. But localization for wide area wireless sensor networks has been still a practical challenge for real applications. Although today many solutions have been proposed, few of them can be used in real applications due to their high cost (requirements on extra hardware), low accuracy or infeasibility due to practical issues.

Generally speaking, range estimation is essential in many sensor network localization algorithms. Based on their computational organization, localization algorithms are divided into two classes: centralized localization algorithms and distributed localization algorithms. In this paper, we focus on one of groups of distributed localizations algorithms: beacon-based distributed algorithms (bounding box algorithm named CPE algorithm) and make some improvements on the accuracy of location estimation of a sensor node. In bounding box algorithm each node assumes that it lies within the intersection of its beacons’ bounding boxes. And the initial position estimate of a sensor node is taken to be as the center of the bounding box. It results in much large errors and bad performances because of a random guess. Just for these reasons, we make some improvements on these drawbacks. In the sight of the shortest path problem in the plane geometric, we take the characteristic of Fermat point:Fermat point is that the point which minimizes the sum of the distances from the three vertices inside a triangle ,and this point is indeed the triangle's center of gravity. We propose a connectivity based RF localization, called Fermat-point distributed location estimation algorithm (FPDLE) utilizing the Fermat point of the triangle for an irregular wireless sensor network. After simulation operation, we obtain three results: (1) when the number of total nodes is below 150, the mean error decreases fast as the node density increases, up to the number of total nodes exceeds 170, the mean error keep below 1% besides the impact of the node density on the mean error is not broad.(2) When the number of beacon nodes is below 60,normal nodes do not have enough accurate beacon nodes to help them estimate their location, so the mean error could be reduced by means of increasing the number of beacon nodes. But the number of beacon nodes exceeds 60, the mean error only vary a little such that the impact on the number of beacon nodes is not broad.(3) our FPDLE algorithm has an acceptable performance when the number of beacon node exceeds 55.Therefore FPDLE algorithm performs more accuracy and efficiency that improves on bounding box of the connectivity based RF localization.

In this thesis, for simplicity, we make some assumptions such as the network is static and all the sensor nodes have the same transmission range which are assumed to be round-shaped with a uniform radius within the sensing area. But it is nonconformity with the real world. So there are a lot of existed challenges to overcome when we perform on real Tinyos platform. We will make researches on this theme in future works. This thesis bears a novel thinking from the aspect based on Fermat-point of plane geometry and proposes a named FPDLE algorithm which is more accuracy and efficiency that improves on bounding box algorithm(CPE ) related to location estimation of a sensor node. This conclusion is also a chief contribution for this thesis.
摘要..... ..........................................I
Table of Contents..................................V
List of Figures....................................VII
List of Tables............................ ........VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction................................1
1.1 Sensor Networks Overviews....... .................1
1.2 Sensor Networks Characteristics...................3
1.2.1 Design Factors....... .......................... 5
1.2.2 Challenges......................................8
1.3 Sensor Networks Applications......................9
1.4 Organization of the Thesis........................10
Chapter 2 Related Work................................12
2.1 Range-Based Schemes...............................13
2.1.1 Receiver Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI).......13
2.1.2 Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA)...............14
2.1.3 Angle of Arrival (AoA)..........................15
2.2 Range-Free Schemes................................16
Chapter 3 Fermat Point Distributed Location Estimation Algorithm .............................................17
3.1 Fermat-Point Distributed Location Estimation Algorithm .............................................18
3.2 Related to Mathematical Computation...............20
3.2.1 The Coordinate of the Intersection Points of Two Circles on a Plane ....................................20
3.2.2 A Survey on the Fermat Point....................21
3.3 Decide the Vertices Composed a Triangle...........26
3.4 Reduce the Size of the Triangle...................28
3.5 Errors............................................30
Chapter 4 Simulation Results.........................31
4.1 Impact on the Density of Sensor Nodes.............34
4.2 Impact on the Ratio of Beacon Nodes...............35
4.3 Response Rate.....................................37
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work..................38
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