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研究生(外文):Chieh-Min Kao
論文名稱(外文):Mode Decision and Motion Vector CompositionAlgorithms for Arbitrary Downscaling VideoTranscoding for H.264/AVC
指導教授(外文):Mei-Juan Chen
外文關鍵詞:H.264Video TranscodingArbitrary DownscalingMode DecisionMotion Vector Composition
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新興的H.264 壓縮標準中,採用更複雜且精確的編碼方式,提供更低的位元率和
更好的視訊品質。因此運用H.264 的編碼特性,來進行任意畫面縮小的視訊轉換
的主觀品質,而達到提升H.264 轉換編碼器的運算效能。
Video transcoder is an important intermediary between the emerging applications.
One of the aims of the transcoder is for the different display resolutions. In the new
video coding standard H.264/AVC, the goal is to enhance compression performance at
the lower bitrates environment. Compared with the prior video coding standards,
H.264 adopts new coding schemes like variable block sizes, multiple reference frames,
4×4 integer transform coding and rate distortion optimization (RDO). For the encoder
in the transcoder, new schemes incur more computational complexity. To avoid the
problem occurs in the encoder of the transcoder, the mode decision and motion vector
composition algorithms are proposed. Our scheme for mode decision employs
non-zero coefficient number of related blocks to determine the modes for downscaled
macroblocks. The motion vector composition adopts the maximum area and non-zero
coefficients in the covered region between original blocks and downscaled blocks to
composite the new motion vector for the downscaled macroblock. The proposed
algorithms not only reduce the computational complexity but also keep video quality
in the transcoder.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview of the Video Transcoding 1
1.2 Overview of the H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard 8
1.3 Motivation 15
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 15
Chapter 2 Review of Related Downscaling Video Transcoding 16
2.1 Overview of the Downscaling Processing 16
2.2 Mode Mapping Method for H.264/AVC Spatial Downscaling Transcoding ‎[13] 20
2.3 Arbitrary Downsizing Video Transcoding using H.26L Standard ‎[15] 24
2.4 Fast Motion Re-Estimation for Arbitrary Downsizing Video Transcoding using H.264/AVC Standard ‎[16] 28
Chapter 3 Proposed Arbitrary Downscaling Video Transcoding Algorithm 31
3.1 The Mode Decision Algorithm 34
3.1.1 INTRA Mode Decision 36
3.1.2 INTER Mode Decision 39
3.2 The Motion Vector Composition Algorithm 44
Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Performance Analysis 53
4.1 Parameter Setting 55
4.2 PSNR Comparison 56
4.3 The Encoding Time Comparison 63
4.4 Comparison of the Subjective Quality 70
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 80
Bibliography 83
[1]Anthony Vetro, Charilaos Christopoulos and Huifang Sun, “Video Transcoding Architectures and Techniques: An Overview,” Signal Processing Magazine of the IEEE, Vol. 20, pp. 18-29, March 2003.
[2]Jun Xin, Chia-Wen Lin and Ming-Ting Sun, “Digital Video Transcoding,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 93, pp. 84-97, January 2005.
[3]Ishfaq Ahmad, Xiaohui Wei, Yu Sun and Ya-Qin Zhang, “Video Transcoding: An Overview of Various Techniques and Research Issues,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 7, pp. 793-804, October 2005.
[4]“Information technology—Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to about 1.5 Mbit/s—Part 2: Video (MPEG-1 video),” International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC), ISO/IEC 11 172-2, 1st edition, 1993.
[5]“Information technology—Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Video (MPEG-2 video),” International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC), ISO/IEC 13 818-2, 2nd edition, 2000.

[6]“Coding of audio-visual objects—Part 2: Visual (MPEG-4 video),” International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC), ISO/IEC 14 496-2:2001, 2nd edition, 2001.
[7]“Video Coding for Low Bit Rate Communication,” International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication (ITU-T), Geneva, Switzerland, Recommendation H.263, 1998.
[8]Guy Ĉoté, Berna Erol, Michael Gallant and Faouzi Kossentini, “H.263+: Video Coding at Low Bit Rates,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 8, pp. 849-866, November 1998.
[9]Gary J. Sullivan and Thomas Wiegand, “Video Compression—From Concepts to the H.264/AVC Standard,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 93, pp. 18-31, January 2005.
[10]Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG, “Draft ITU-T Recommendation and Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC),” document JVT-G050d35.doc, March 2003.
[11]Bo Shen, Ishwar K. Sethi and Bhaskaran Vasudev, “Adaptive Motion-Vector Resampling for Compressed Video Downscaling,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System for Video Technology, Vol. 9, pp. 929-936, September 1999.
[12]Mei-Juan Chen, Ming-Chung Chu and Shen-Yi Lo, “Motion Vector Composition Algorithm for Spatial Scalability in Compressed Video,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 47, pp. 319-325, August 2001.
[13]Peng Zhang, Yan Lu, Qingming Huang and Wen Gao, “Mode Mapping Method for H.264/AVC Spatial Downscaling Transcoding,” Proceeding of International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 4, pp. 2781-2784, October 2004.
[14]Yu-Kuang Tu, Jar-Ferr Yang, Yi-Nung Shen and Ming-Ting Sun, “Fast Variable-Size Block Motion Estimation Using Merging Procedure With an Adaptive Threshold,” Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Vol. 2, pp. II-789-792, July 2003.
[15]Haiwei Sun and Yap-Peng Tan, “Arbitrary Downsizing video Transcoding using H.26L standard,” Proceeding of International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 1, pp. I-173 – I-176, September 2003.
[16]Haiwei Sun and Yap-Peng Tan, “Fast Motion Re-Estimation for Arbitrary Downsizing Video Transcoding using H.264/AVC Standard,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 50, pp. 887-894, August 2004.
[17]Yap-Peng Tan, Haiwei Sun, and YongQing Liang, “On the Methods and Applications of Arbitrarily Downsizing Video Transcoding,” Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Vol. 1, pp. 609-612, August 2002.
[18]YongQing Liang, Lap-Pui Chau and Yap-Peng Tan, “Arbitrary Downsizing Video Transcoding Using Fast Motion Vector Reestimation,” IEEE on Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 9, pp. 352-355, November 2002.
[19]Joint Video Team reference software JM96, April 2004. http://iphome.hhi.de/suehring/tml/download/
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