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研究生(外文):Yi-Cheng Su
論文名稱(外文):First-passage time analysis on gene erosion
指導教授(外文):Wei Pan
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Evolution of biology is a complex phenomenon and is always a hot research topic. Besides nature selection, genetic drift is considered to be an important factor in evolution.
With a simplified cellular automata model, we carry out our simulation for genetic drift. In the beginning of the simulation, two kinds of alleles distribute at random in space with equal probability. It is found that the generations of genetic erosion is proportion to the size of population.
We consider the process of genetic drift as a first passage time problem in which a continuous-time random walk approaches a boundary under a driving force. We can estimate the parameters in this problem.
Finally, we discuss the influence of clusters generated by limited gene dispersal on genetic drift.
第一章 序論 5
第二章 模型與方法 16
2.1 本論文使用的規則 16
2.2 叢集計算方法 19
2.3 無空間隔離之交配模型 20
2.4 基因侵蝕所需代數分佈 21
第三章 結果 24
3.1 亂數檢驗 25
3.2 基因空間中的叢集現象 26
3.3 平均基因侵蝕所需代數與族群大小 28
3.4 基因侵蝕所需代數分佈 31
3.5 ε與σ的估計 37
3.6 叢集現象討論 42
第四章 討論 44
第五章 結論 48
參考資料 49
附錄一 51
附錄二 57
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