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研究生(外文):Shu-Chuan Wu
論文名稱(外文):Searching the Optimal (s, S) Inventory Policy of a Cross-Docking System
指導教授(外文):Yat-Wah WanTsung-Sheng Chang
外文關鍵詞:Economies of scaleInventory policyCross-docking operating system
  • 被引用被引用:6
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為滿足顧客需求,一般企業在面對市場需求快速變化時,通常以存貨減低需求不確定所導致的缺貨問題。以製造業為例,其存貨總值通常佔總資產的百分之二十至六十。因此為提高市場競爭力,如何在滿足一定服務水準下,有效降低存貨,為每一企業所必須面對的重要挑戰。傳統存貨管理主要以倉儲營運系統(warehousing operating system)管控存貨量,但自Wal-Mart成功利用接駁轉運營運系統(cross-docking operating system)來降低存貨成本後,愈來愈多產業已改採此新系統。然而有效率地運作此系統並非易事。因此,假設整個營運系統由中央集中控管,本研究主要探討其存貨及輸配送管理營運策略。亦即,中央管理者如何制定各零售商之最佳(s, S)存貨政策,以滿足預設的服務水準、降低存貨量、發揮運輸規模經濟效益,進而最小化整個接駁轉運系統之總成本。由於制定一供給網路的營運策略是公認的難題,且無法以解析式方法求解。因此,本研究以系統模擬技術求解,並提出一套有效率的求解程序。
To satisfy customers under rapidly changing demands, companies usually keep inventory to reduce the stock-out problem induced by the uncertainty of demands. For example, in the manufacturing sector, inventory often takes up 20% to 60% of the total asset. To sharpen competitiveness, reducing inventory but maintaining a given service level is an important challenge faced by every company. Traditionally, warehousing operating systems are used to control inventory. Ever since Wal-Mart successfully reduces the inventory cost by the cross-docking operating system, more and more companies have adopted this system. However, it is difficult to operate a cross-docking operating system efficiently. Assuming that such a system is under centralized control, this research studies its inventory and distribution policy: A central planner sets the best (s, S) inventory policy that reduces inventory; the policy minimizes the total cost of the system, under economies of scale in transportation, subject to a pre-specified service level. Such a network distribution problem is known to be hard and without analytical solution. Thus, this study solves the problem by proposing an efficient simulation-based solution procedure.
摘 要 I
Abstract II
致 謝 III
圖 目 錄 V
表 目 錄 VI
一、 緒 論 1
二、 研究問題與基本假設 4
三、 模型建構 6
四、 模式求解 18
4.1 一對一網路 20
4.2 多對多網路 31
五、 績效敏感度分析 39
六、 結論與建議 43
參考文獻 45
附錄一 順序統計量的期望值 47
附錄二 八種情境之模擬結果 48
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