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研究生(外文):Ya-Ting Yang
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis of VMI Application in a Two-echelon Supply Chain
指導教授(外文):Yu-Wen Huang
外文關鍵詞:supply chaininventory managementVMI
  • 被引用被引用:2
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得存貨及成本減少,且增進供應鏈的利潤。供應商管理存貨(vendor managed
inventory, VMI)為新興的供應鏈管理方式,可有效解決供應鏈成員之間的存貨問
本研究考慮二階層供應鏈,單一供應商與零售商,和單一品項,利用Dong and
Xu (2002)所建構的供應鏈管理模式與VMI 模式,並考慮缺貨的情況,讓零售商
權利相同時,以利潤的角度來觀察採用VMI 後對於存貨成本的影響,接著重新
尋找最適合VMI 存貨成本結構來採用,再與原作者的研究結果做比較。
VMI 會較有利。此外對供應商而言採用VMI 後利潤必定減少。
In order to improve the competitiveness of supply chain, companies should
consider integrating their inventory systems. It could reduce stock and cost of the
whole inventory. Therefore, the profit of the supply chain will be increased. Therefore,
Vendor managed inventory (VMI) is one of the modern methods to manage inventory
along supply chain. By using VMI, the overstock problem between members of
supply chain can be solved efficiently.
In our research, we consider a single-product two-echelon supply chain
contained a single supplier. Refer to the supply chain management model of Dong and
Xu (2002), we consider VMI with taking the backorder situation into account, hence
the retailer’s order lot size will be raised.
The model of Dong and Xu was only considered that the retailer is the leader;
however, we concern the driving power between supplier and retailer is balanced in
our research. On aspect of profit, we analyze the influence on inventory cost after
using VMI with appropriated system parameters and the differences and the
similarities between our results and Dong and Xu’s.
Based on cases, our analysis shows that it is beneficial to use VMI under the
following situation: the supplier’s setup cost is greater than the retailer’s ordering cost,
or the retailer’s holding cost is less than its backordering cost, or the product value is
less expensive, or the size of manufacturing batch. However, the profit of supplier
will be decreased after applying VMI.
第一章 緒論.................................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..........................................................................................1
第二節 論文架構......................................................................................................3
第二章 文獻探討.........................................................................................................5
第一節 供應鏈管理..................................................................................................5
第二節 相關供應鏈存貨管理模式..........................................................................6
第三章 模式建構與分析...........................................................................................11
第一節 問題描述....................................................................................................11
第二節 基本假設與分析........................................................................................13
第三節 基本符號....................................................................................................14
第四節 模式建構與分析........................................................................................17
第一項 供應鏈的存貨模式建構........................................................................17
第二項 VMI 模式建構.......................................................................................20
第三項 利潤函數分析........................................................................................22
第五節 給定生產函數和售價函數之利潤函數分析............................................25
第一項 供應鏈的存貨模式................................................................................26
第二項 VMI 模式...............................................................................................30
第三項 小結........................................................................................................36
第四章 模式案例分析...............................................................................................39
第一節 基本參數設定與係數分析........................................................................39
第二節 設置成本對採用VMI 之影響..................................................................41
第三節 持有成本對採用VMI 之影響..................................................................47
第一項 供應商與零售商單位持有成本一樣....................................................47
第二項 供應商與零售商單位持有相同與不相同的比較................................51
第四節 缺貨成本對採用VMI 之影響..................................................................53
第五節 各項成本對採用VMI 之影響..................................................................55
第五章 新的生產成本為凹性(CONCAVE)函數之討論.........................................56
第一節 新的凹性生產成本函數對模式之影響....................................................56
第二節 模式案例分析............................................................................................57
第三節 小結............................................................................................................58
第六章 結論與建議...................................................................................................59
第一節 結論............................................................................................................59
第二節 後續研究建議............................................................................................60
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