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研究生(外文):Lu, Yu Fen
論文名稱(外文):Predicting Breast Cancer Patients’ Survivability: The Comparison of Using Three Data Mining Methods- Artificial Neural Network, Logistic Regression and Decision Tree
指導教授(外文):Chu Chi Ming
外文關鍵詞:Breast cancersurvival predictionArtificial Neural NetworkLogistic RegressionDecision Tree
  • 被引用被引用:40
  • 點閱點閱:8109
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Objective: This study compared the performance of prediction models, which were implemented using three data mining methods- Artificial Neural Network, Logistic Regression and Decision Tree. We found causes that will affect the prediction models, which causes included effects of populations, sample sizes, exclusive criteria, internal/external validation and single/cumulative yearly training set(s). Furthermore, the study investigated the abilities of predictive variables in Taiwan and USA Cancer Registry System for breast cancer patients.

Methods and materials: Study samples were diagnosed as breast cancer patients in the USA Cancer Registry Database (SEER) during years 1973-2001 and Taiwan Cancer Registry Database (CRS) during years 1979-2002. SEER dataset were 64096 cases excluding died not in breast cancer, 66875 cases excluding died not in cancer. CRS dataset were 27010 cases excluding died not in breast cancer, 27809 cases excluding died not in cancer. The performances of prediction models were evaluated according to parameters such as accuracy, the area under ROC curve, specificity under sensitivity fixed at 0.95.

Results: The results indicated : 1. SEER model performed better accuracy that was 10.04% higher than CRS model. 2. Models of cases excluding died not in breast cancer performed better accuracy that was 1.17% slightly higher than models of cases excluding died not in cancer. 3. Models of training set with single and accumulative yearly cases performed similarly on the external validation set. 4. In SEER models, Decision Tree performed the best accuracy but not steadily that was about 6% higher than other methods on internal validation set but about 3% lower than other methods on external validation set. In CRS models, three methods performed similarly . 5. Models on external validation set performed an average accuracy 2.93% lower than on internal validation set, respectively, 1.42% lower in Artificial Neural Network, 1.01% lower in Logistic Regression and 6.73% lower in Decision Tree.

Conclusion: SEER models performed better than CRS models, and Artificial Neural Network method performed similarly with Logistic Regression method. Decision Tree models performed the best accuracy and AUC among three methods on internal validation set that showed Decision Tree was a good tool for implementing predictive rules, but highly overestimated accuracy when internal versus external validation and was hypersensitive of decreasing predictive factors.
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 研究問題 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 乳癌流行病學特性探討 5
第二節 預後因子與存活分析 10
第三節 影響乳癌之預後因子探討 15
第三章 基本理論架構模式探討 17
第一節 資料探勘(Data mining) 17
壹、 資料探勘的定義與步驟 17
貳、 資料探勘方法於醫學研究的應用 18
第二節 類神經網路(Artificial Neural Networks) 20
第三節 邏輯斯迴歸(Logistic regression) 26
第四節 決策樹(Decision trees) 28
第四章 研究材料與方法 29
第一節 研究對象 29
壹、 研究對象範圍 29
貳、 研究對象選樣流程 30
第二節 研究變項操作型定義與篩選條件 34
壹、 台灣地區癌症登記檔研究變項操作型定義 34
貳、 美國癌症登記資料庫研究變項操作型定義 35
參、 研究變項篩選條件 36
第三節 研究架構 38
第四節 研究設計 41
壹、 預測模型建立 41
貳、 預測模型評估 44
參、 分析方法參數設定 46
肆、 研究流程 48
第五節 資料處理及統計方法 49
壹、 類神經網路模型之變項相對重要性係數 49
貳、 邏輯斯迴歸之標準化迴歸係數 50
參、 決策樹模型分支變項採用頻率分數 51
肆、 邏輯斯迴歸分析之無效值處理 52
伍、 統計方法 52
第五章 結果 54
第一節 研究對象篩選過程個案數分布 54
第二節 預測模型分布 55
壹、 個案人數分布 55
貳、 存活狀態分布 55
第三節 基本人口學和臨床診斷特徵與存活狀態分布之相關 57
第四節 預測模型評估 61
第五節 預測模型評估比較 63
壹、 美國與台灣地區預測模型比較 63
貳、 不同研究個案排除條件建構之預測模型比較 63
參、 不同訓練樣本設計建構之預測模型比較 64
肆、 三種演算方法建構之預測模型比較 65
第六章 討論 69
第一節 乳癌存活預後因子 69
壹、 影響乳癌患者存活預後因子驗證 69
貳、 預測模型變項相對重要性 70
第二節 影響預測模型表現之因素探討與驗證 72
壹、 不同資料母群(美國與台灣)建構之預測模型 72
貳、 不同研究個案排除條件建構之預測模型 77
參、 不同訓練樣本設計建構之預測模型 79
肆、 三種演算方法建構之預測模型 80
伍、 無外部驗證與外部驗證評估 81
陸、 其他評估:預測模型ROC曲線評估 83
第三節 研究特性與研究限制 85
壹、 研究特性 85
貳、 研究限制 85
第七章 結論 88
參考文獻 93

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