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研究生(外文):Yi-Chen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Vitamin D and breast cancer: a case-control study
指導教授(外文):Meei-shyuan Lee
外文關鍵詞:breast cancerplasma 25(OH)D
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維生素D與乳癌之關係尚未有定論,且沒有相關研究在亞熱帶地區如台灣進行。本研究就飲食、陽光曝曬以及血液三方面探討維生素D與乳癌之關係。研究採取配對式病例對照研究,病例組與對照組的比例為1:1,總共有200對研究對象納入分析【配對條件為停經狀態、收案時間(±1個月)及抽血禁食時間(±4小時)】。以結構式問卷及半定量式飲食頻率問卷收集研究對象之基本資料、陽光曝曬資料及過去一年平均飲食攝取狀況。在校正年齡、教育程度、生產次數、女性荷爾蒙使用情形、BMI、總熱量攝取量以及每日陽光曝曬時間後,比較病例組與對照組之飲食維生素D攝取量及維生素D總攝取量,200 (IU/天) VS. 100 (IU/天)的乳癌OR值分別為0.51 (95% CI = 0.26- 0.98)及0.52 (95% CI=0.27-0.99) ,飲食部分並顯示出有劑量效應存在 (p for trend=0.04) 。以停經狀態及BMI進行分層,則發現飲食維生素D攝取量及維生素D總攝取量(含補充劑) ,均顯示對停經前婦女較具保護作用,在停經前的飲食維生素D攝取量並有劑量效應存在;血漿中25(OH)D濃度則對停經後婦女較具有保護作用,上述均未達統計顯著意義。以BMI分層,結果顯示飲食維生素D攝取量、維生素D總攝取量及血漿25(OH)D在相同四分位下,對BMI<24 kg/m2者較有保護作用。其中飲食維生素D攝取量Q4 VS. Q1之OR值為0.27 (95% CI=0.11-0.62) ,如果以Q2+Q3+Q4與Q1相比其OR值為0.46 (95% CI=0.23-0.90) ;維生素D總攝取量Q2+Q3+Q4其OR為0.51 (95% CI=0.26-0.99) ,皆指出對BMI<24的婦女而言,維生素D狀況與乳癌可能有閾值效應存在。陽光曝曬方面,發現每日待在室外時間超過60分鐘或工作時會曝曬到陽光者,其罹患乳癌機率較每日待在室外少於60分鐘或工作時不會曝曬到陽光者低。進一步以陽光曝曬時間分層去探討維生素D攝取量與乳癌相關性,結果指出每日維生素D攝取量超過200 IU並且每日陽光曝曬30分鐘以上者,罹患乳癌機率是較維生素D攝取量少於200 IU同時每日陽光曝曬30分鐘以下者低。本研究發現,即使在亞熱帶地區如台灣維生素D對於乳癌仍具有保護作用,尤其是在每日維生素D攝取量≧200 IU時。
The association between vitamin D and breast cancer is inconsistent and there is no relevant research in sub-tropical areas like Taiwan. The aim of the present hospital-based case-control study was to examine the relationship between breast cancer and vitamin D status assessed by diet, sun exposure and plasma 25(OH)D (in latitude 25°N). Two hundred women with newly diagnosed breast cancer in Taipei, Taiwan, and 200 controls were matched for menopausal status, blood drawing time ( 1 month) and fasting time before blood was drawn ( 4 hours). An interviewer-administered risk questionnaire was used to assess factors postulated as linked to breast cancer. Dietary intake one year prior to interview was assessed by a semi-quantitative questionnaire. After simultaneously controlling for age, education, parity, hormone replacement therapy, BMI, energy intake and daily sunlight exposure, the risk of breast cancer of those whose dietary or total vitamin D intake more than 200 IU/D was significantly lower than less 100 IU/d, the OR=0.51 (95% CI=0.26-0.98) and OR=0.52 (95% CI=0.27-0.99), respectively. After stratifying for menopausal status and BMI, both dietary and total vitamin D (with supplementation) intakes showed more evident protective effect among premenopausal women than among postmenopausal women. A significant linear trend, for breast cancer risk, in the dietary vitamin D intakes of premenopausal women was found. Plasma 25(OH)D concentration of postmenopausal women showed a similar protective effect against breast cancer though it was not significant. Among those women BMI was less than 24kg/m2, better vitamin D statuses (dietary, total vitamin D intake and plasma 25(OH)D) were inversely related to breast cancer risk. The OR of Q4 dietary vitamin D intake vs. Q1 was 0.27 (95% CI=0.11-0.62) and the OR of comparing quartile 2 through 4 together with subjects in the first quartile 1 was 0.46 (95% CI=0.23-0.90). The OR of Q2-Q4 total vitamin D intakes vs. Q1 was 0.51 (95% CI=0.26-0.99). Thus, a threshold effect of vitamin D status among subjects whose BMI was <24 was suggested. In terms of sunlight exposure, a lower risk of breast cancer was found among those who stayed outdoors more than 60 minutes per day. Those whose sunlight exposure was more than 30 min/day and vitamin D intake more than 200 IU/day had the lowest breast cancer risk of any other possible combination of these variables. In conclusion, a protective effect of vitamin D against breast cancer was evident in subtropical Taiwan, especially for vitamin D intake more than 200 IU/d.
第一章 背景及目的
第一節 前言
第二節 研究目的
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 乳癌之危險因子
第二節 維生素D與乳癌
第三節 總結
第三章 研究假設
第四章 研究材料與方法
第一節 研究架構
第二節 研究設計
第三節 研究對象
第四節 研究工具
第五節 資料處理及統計方法
第五章 結果
第一節 人口學變項
第二節 體位資料
第三節 其他乳癌危險因子
第四節 維生素D營養狀況與乳癌之關係
第六章 討論
第一節 乳癌危險因子
第二節 維生素D營養狀況與乳癌
第三節 本研究之研究特性與限制
第七章 結論
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